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SB1824 – Its Relevance for Education and Transition 2011 Texas Transition Conference February 7-9, 2011 Doubletree Hotel ~ Austin, TX PANEL MEMBERS Kathy.

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Presentation on theme: "SB1824 – Its Relevance for Education and Transition 2011 Texas Transition Conference February 7-9, 2011 Doubletree Hotel ~ Austin, TX PANEL MEMBERS Kathy."— Presentation transcript:

1 SB1824 – Its Relevance for Education and Transition 2011 Texas Transition Conference February 7-9, 2011 Doubletree Hotel ~ Austin, TX PANEL MEMBERS Kathy Griffis-Bailey, DSHS Sherry Broberg, HHSC Rona Statman, The ARC of Texas Kathy Albers, TEA, ESC XI

2 SB1824 – Its Relevance for Education and Transition  Overview of SB1824  Composition and Process for the Transitioning Youth Subcommittee  Transitioning Youth Subcommittee Draft Recommendations  Response to Draft Recommendations

3 SB1824 Overview  Under the oversight of Governor’s Office; with staff support through HHSC  Duties Coordinate with federal agencies to compile a list of opportunities to increase flexible funding for CSN Review state agencies’ policies related to service delivery Perform a needs assessment, including public hearings to identify gaps, system entry points and service obstacles Develop a FIVE-YEAR PLAN to improve coordination, quality and efficiency of services for CSN – Due Date: September 1, 2011

4 SB1824 Overview  PLAN Features Identify responsible parties for actions Create benchmarks to insure progress Consult with Legislative Budget Board - costs Consult with other states on best practices Consult with demographers for trends Consult with pediatric specialists about best medical practices Coordinate with mental health and developmental disability advocates Develop a timeline for plan implementation

5 SB1824 Overview  PLAN Recommendations Criteria Maximize the use of federal funds Reduce numbers of families in crisis Improve families’ navigating the system Remove barriers to local coordination of services Evaluate feasibility of interagency legally authorized representative program to provide support services Improve early detection and intervention Increase community-based options

6 SB1824 Overview  PLAN Recommendations Criteria Improve accountability for each representative agency and service providers Reduce existing service delivery fragmentation Reduce service gaps and overlap Improve data management Prevent unnecessary parental relinquishment Create a core set of quality measures Improve availability of high-quality community-based long-term care services and supports

7 SB1824 Overview  Task Force Composition ~ Executive Level Staff 10 VOTING MEMBERS Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) DARS Division of Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Texas Education Agency (TEA) Texas Youth Commission (TYC) Texas Juvenile Probation Commission (TJPC) Texas Correctional Office on Offenders with Medical or Mental Impairments (TCOOMMI)

8 SB1824 Overview  Task Force Composition 8 NON-VOTING MEMBERS Representative of local mental health authority or mental retardation authority Two members of the House of Representatives Two members of the Senate Three parents or consumer advocates, appointed by HHSC, TEA, and TYC

9 SB1824 Overview  Task Force Subcommittees ~ Report findings and recommendations annually, andsubmit written reports biennially Early Childhood and Intervention EDUCATION Health Care TRANSITIONING YOUTH Crisis Prevention and Intervention Juvenile Justice Long-Term, Community-Based Services and Supports Mental Health

10 SB1824 Overview  Other Provisions Governor’s Office and all agencies shall enter into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to implement the duties of the legislation Must submit and publish on the HHSC Web site a biennial report to Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Speaker of the House of each agency’s progress toward improving the coordination, quality, and efficiency of services for CSN

11 SB1824 Overview  Report Requirements Include Stakeholder Input (including testimony from parents in each health and human services district) Progress toward Plan Goals Barriers that prevent accomplishing Goals Additional resource needs Current resources to redirect Plan amendments Recommendations and proposed legislation Feasibility statements for recommendations

12 TRANSITIONING YOUTH SUBCOMMITTEE  Composition and Process Subcommittee membership Creation of key themes  Independent Living  Employment/Vocational Rehabilitation  Health  Education Development of Draft Recommendations

13 TRANSITIONING YOUTH SUBCOMMITTEE  Key Draft Recommendations – Independent Living Employment/Vocational Rehabilitation Health Education

14 EXCHANGING IDEAS  Response to Draft Recommendations Independent Living Employment/Vocational Rehabilitation Health Education  THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING!

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