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Thriving in Middle School Tips For Parents Mrs. Blue Sand Ridge Elementary School.

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2 Thriving in Middle School Tips For Parents Mrs. Blue Sand Ridge Elementary School

3 Preparing for Middle School Transitioning from elementary to middle school brings many questions and concerns for both parents and students. Moving up to middle school can be scary and exciting. Parents can help their preteens prepare for this monumental transition by: 1.gathering information 2. staying involved in their child’s education.

4 Your Middle School Vision  School Memories  Student Expectations  Parent Expectations  School Expectations

5 Middle School Student Development  Physical Growth  New Hormones  Concrete to Abstract thinking  New Relationships  Self Concept  Attitudes & Values

6 School Concerns  The building  The Schedule  Teachers  Other Students  Friends  Popularity  Homework

7 Worries that students have…  1. Opening the locker  2. Getting lost or finding classes  3. Making good grades  4. Bullies and/or being teased  5. Making new friends  6. Having more than one teacher  7. Finding the restroom

8 More worries…  8. Not knowing the school rules  9. Carrying around all those books  10. Feeling stupid compared to other kids  11. Being embarrassed by parents in front of other kids  12. Puberty (pimples, body changes)  13. Changing before and after P.E. in front of other kids  13. Going from class to class without being late  14. Having girlfriends or boyfriends  15. Having a friend to sit with at lunch

9 What Can You Do?  Help them set goals  Academic, Sports, Personal  Ask questions  What are you most excited about?  How can I help the most?  Listen Closely  Listen without giving advice  Ask if they want advice  Reinforce the positive  Anything!

10 What Can You Do? Cont….  Encourage reading  Promote physical activity  Limit computer, T.V. & video games  Celebrate hard work  Communicate expectations  Review your child’s academic progress with your child every 4 ½ weeks.

11 What does SRE do?  “Transition to Middle School” lessons:  Review of elective choices in class  Tour of Swansboro Middle / New Bridge

12 What does the Middle School Do?  Open House/School Tours  Presentation at Swansboro Middle School

13 School to Home AAAAfterschool Routine: Create schedule for homework, dinner, sleep, etc. OOOORGANIZATION SSet goals for the year HHomework: Facilitate rather than Complete CContinue to designate family time together

14 You can do this! Your child is ready. Enrolling your child in middle school is scary. It’s a bigger school. Your child will go from being one of the oldest kids in school to being one of the youngest. The homework load will probably increase. The pace will speed up. The good news? Your child is ready. With your support, your child will rise to the challenge.

15 Q & A / Resources  Questions?  Websites:  

16 Contact Info  Frances Blue   910 326-1599 Thank you for coming!!!

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