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MEMBER OF GROUP POPPY SATYA PUSPITA 115050100111036 ILGA M. J 115050100111038 REINHARD TAMBUNAN 115050100111048 HARDIAN OKFINNUR 115050100111050 FITRI.

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Presentation on theme: "MEMBER OF GROUP POPPY SATYA PUSPITA 115050100111036 ILGA M. J 115050100111038 REINHARD TAMBUNAN 115050100111048 HARDIAN OKFINNUR 115050100111050 FITRI."— Presentation transcript:


2 MEMBER OF GROUP POPPY SATYA PUSPITA 115050100111036 ILGA M. J 115050100111038 REINHARD TAMBUNAN 115050100111048 HARDIAN OKFINNUR 115050100111050 FITRI NOVITA SARI 115050100111059

3  Indicators of river water microorganisms is a group of microorganisms that are used as a hint of river water quality.  Water microorganisms are capable of flourishing in all water habitants, three major domain compose water microorganisms Eukaryota,Archae, and Bacteria, as well as viruses.

4  BACTERIAL - Cyanobacteria - Yersinia enterocolicita - E. coli and Streptococci - Pseudomonas aureginosa

5  Morphology of bacteria  Also known as blue- green bacteria  Photosynthetic bacteria  Gram negative  Causing convulsions, bloody diarrhea and sudden death in affected animals  produce taste and odor compounds.

6  Coccobacillus shaped  Gram negative  can be transmitted to animals and humans in heavily contaminated river water.  Symptoms of infection include fever, abdominal pain, and bloody diarrhea.

7  E. Coli  Streptococci  Can enter a river system are through livestock waste, faulty sewage system  Pathogen bacteria  Can cause rheumatic fever; acute glomerulonephritis (kidney disease); scarlet fever; bacteria sepsis, called Bacteremia; and toxic- shock syndrome

8  Morphology bacteria  Has a characteristic sweet odor  Gram negative bacteria

9  The microbes that can be used as indicators of river water microorganisms are Cyanobacteria, Yersinia enterocolicita, E. coli and Streptococci, Pseudomonas aureginosa.  Most of microbes in the river water are pathogen.  The microbes can enter to river system through livestock waste, urban run-off, and faulty sewage system.

10  Alberta. 2012. Environment and Water. (, diakses 27 April 2012.  Alexopoulus,A. S. Plessas and E. Bezirtzoglo. 2008. Water Microbial Ecology-An Overview. Greece:Democritus University of Thrace.  Kerley, Crista. 2012. What Types of Bacteria are Found in River Water?. (, diakses 1 Mei 2012.


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