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German Cancio/ WP4 -1 WP4 comments for the TestBed German Cancio / WP4

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1 German Cancio/ WP4 -1 WP4 comments for the TestBed German Cancio / WP4

2 Author - Title- Date - n° 2 Outline u Software packages taxonomy u Packaging software and software repositories u Certification u Miscellaneous

3 Author - Title- Date - n° 3 Software Packages Taxonomy (I) u In the WP6 document, we see two SW package types: n Middleware SW packages (WP1-5,WP7) n Application SW packages u … but from WP4 we see more: n Base Operating System (ie. RedHat Linux X.Y) n Globus packages n Software required by Applications s f.ex. ROOT, CERNLIB,Objectivity,GNU tools,… n Site specific packages (next slide)

4 Author - Title- Date - n° 4 Software Packages Taxonomy (II) u Site specific packages: n Batch systems (LSF, PBS..) n Mass storage systems (CASTOR,..) n AFS clients n Other locally required packages, like s security policy enforcement tools (disabling ports,…) u Who is providing/configuring/installing all these? n OS, Globus, Objectivity et al., LSF, AFS,… u Who will do the support for these?

5 Author - Title- Date - n° 5 Software Packaging and WP4 u WP4 will deliver an interim installation system in M9 (Maite’s talk). u In order to use this system, software has to be packaged accordingly. n Certainly the M/W and the applications will package their own SW. u Who will do this for all the other required SW? u In general, WP4 provides n A toolset for distributing/installing packages on fabric nodes, but not the packages themselves n Guidelines on how to package SW, but does not package SW

6 Author - Title- Date - n° 6 SW Package Repositories u In order to ease the task of distributing SW packages to the TestBed sites, SW Package Repositories could be set up. n (this are not code repositories a la CVS but contain ready-to-use binaries) u Who sets them up? Who manages them? Who decides what packages /versions are available? u How many Repositories would exist? n A single Repository? n One per ‘Virtual Organization’? n What about site specific packages? n What about licensed software (like LSF, AFS, Objectivity)?

7 Author - Title- Date - n° 7 Certification u A certification procedure has to be defined for ensuring the correct interaction between the different packages. u Who certifies the packages which are not DataGRID deliverables? Who decides which packages to certify? u Who certifies a given set of packages for being installed on the nodes of a given testbed? n This has to include site specific packages! u Is this the goal of WP6’s “integration”?

8 Author - Title- Date - n° 8 Summary For WP4: u The integration of 3 rd -party packages is not clear. n OS, App-required, Licensed, site-specific u Should a package repository be set up? u The certification model is not clear.

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