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Evidence & Economics in State Capitals Going “Retail” in the States Third Telluride Economic Summit on Early Childhood Investment Telluride, Colorado September.

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Presentation on theme: "Evidence & Economics in State Capitals Going “Retail” in the States Third Telluride Economic Summit on Early Childhood Investment Telluride, Colorado September."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evidence & Economics in State Capitals Going “Retail” in the States Third Telluride Economic Summit on Early Childhood Investment Telluride, Colorado September 21, 2009 Steve Aos Assistant Director Washington State Institute for Public Policy Institute Publications: 1 of 3

2 The Best of Science Careful identification of causation: “What works? What doesn’t?” Slow, deliberative. “Market test” = peer-reviewed journals The Best of Business Get to a bottom line, ROI. Decisions use best available information, with uncertainty, for real- time choices. “Market test” = cash registers Best of Public Policy Clear identification of public policy goals. Uses both “best of science” & “best of business” approaches. “Market test” = votes on bills, elections When Three Worlds Collide: (good public policy can happen!) 2 of 3 “Evidence- Based” Public Policy Return onTaxpayer Investment

3 Some Road Rules on “Going Retail” in States: Lessons we are learning in Washington State Washington Legislature’s 12-year attempt to bring evidence and economics into policy making. 4 Factors Affecting Success Rates Know the 50 State “Markets” Local culture, history & institutions matter a lot Find champions, elected/staff Use A Long-Term Strategy One testimonial won’t work Find local provider of numbers Non-partisan (“D”s & “R”s) Focus on many policy areas Stick to the Analytical Message Real evidence, cost-benefit Options, “Consumer Reports” Implementation fidelity Use Evidence/ROI to Cut Programs, not just to add them 3 of 3 Crime Education, Early Education Child Abuse & Neglect Substance Abuse Mental Health Prevention Developmental Disabilities Employment Public Assistance Public Health Housing

4 Institute Publications: Thank You!

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