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Unit 5 Reading Reading Strategies Note Taking Discussion Assignment Seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 Reading Reading Strategies Note Taking Discussion Assignment Seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 Reading Reading Strategies Note Taking Discussion Assignment Seminar

2 Agenda for Seminar 2 Reminders Housekeeping Seminar Rules Reading Strategies -SQ3R -PORPE -KWL Note Taking -Cornell-Charts -Site Map-Outline Case Study - Janice Discussion Assignment (Homework/course project)

3 Reminders Carole Myers(Carole, Professor, Prof) Whatever makes you most comfortable AIM-professorcmyers Email- Phone: 502-381-1555 Contact me for all curriculum and class related issues.

4 Reminder--Help Desk phone number 1-888-747-4710 Remember that your instructor is not equipped to help you with technological issues.

5 Office Hours Office Hours are held in AIM: Mondays 7 PM to 9 PM EST (unless it’s a holiday) If you see me logged into AIM, please feel free to contact me at other times.

6 Housekeeping Any questions on - Grades - Uploading your assignments - Naming conventions - Getting around the class - How to earn an A in discussion - Other?

7 Questions?

8 Special Seminar Rules continued Please do not Announce that you are late or Announce that you are leaving the seminar early or Discuss other issues which cannot be dealt with during seminar.

9 Reading Strategies

10 What exactly is Reading Comprehension?

11 Reading Comprehension is…. ---our ability to understand and remember the material we read --- it is a skill that weakens if it not used For this reason…we need to learn the process involved in reading comprehension and consciously apply it.

12 Three major factors for success in reading motivation - Motivation can be found in just wanting to learn, to get a good grade on a test or project, or to complete the course and keep moving towards our career goals. This is different from reading for pleasure or other motivation.

13 Three major factors for success in reading Concentration may involve choosing the right location or time of day in order to be able to focus on what we are reading - this takes time management, of course, and may involve taking breaks or scheduling specific amounts of time to avoid fatigue. It also takes practice to be able to concentrate on the content of what we are reading.

14 Three major factors for success in reading Reading Strategies help the reader to become fully involved in the process and think critically. Being thorough and methodical in your approach to difficult reading can help you learn, concentrate, and retain the information as well as make the best use of your time. effective reading strategies

15 How can you create motivation and interest?


17 Strengthen your vocabulary



20 SQ3R







27 Porpe


29  What are some possible essay questions that you saw as you read the text?  Avoid questions that begin with "what" or "when" and do not include analysis.  Use "explain," "discuss," "criticize," "compare," and "contrast."  Be sure to predict more questions than the exam will actually have.

30 As you read the chapter use your own words to Organize, summarize Synthesize (Come up with your understanding of) the key points Outline answers to the predicted questions.

31 Recite the information out loud quiz your memory. Why do this? It helps you to place the key ideas, examples, and overall organization in your long-term memory. Take a couple of days to complete this process.

32 By practicing, you answer your predicted essay questions from memory. You can  sketch an outline of the essay  prepare a complete answer.

33 Evaluate your own work by asking yourself Do I have enough concrete examples? Is my answer complete, accurate, and appropriate? Is there anything I should study before taking the exam? (rehearse more if necessary)

34 KWL


36 Reading critically Prereading strategies SQ3R reading method Reading difficult material Taking notes from a text book Reading assignments in science Reading essays Reading fiction Fiction: narrator & character types Fiction: narrator & character types Speed & comprehension Marking & underlining

37 KWL is intended to be an exercise for a study group or class that can guide you in reading and understanding a text. You can adapt it to working alone, but discussions definitely help. It is composed of only three stages that reflect a worksheet of three columns with the three letters


39 K stands for Know Think of this as a pre-reading inventory. Brainstorm!  First, think of keywords, terms, or phrases about the topic, either in your class or a study group. (Do this before reviewing the text)  Then, record the ideas in the K column of your char t (don’t stop until you run out of ideas).  Discuss what you wrote in the K column with the group (or if alone, with anyone else).  Organize the entries into general categories.

40 W stands for Will or Want The second stage is to list a series of questions of what you want to know more of the subject, based upon what you listed in K.  Preview the text’s table of contents, headings, pictures, charts etc. -Discuss what you want to learn  List some thoughts on what you want, or expect to learn, generally or specifically. -Think in terms of what you will learn, or what do you want to learn about this.  Turn all sentences into questions before writing them down. -They will help you focus your attention during reading.  List the questions by importance.

41 L stands for Learned The final stage is to answer your questions, as well as to list what new information you have learned.  List out what you learn as you read, either by section, or after the whole work, whichever is comfortable for you.  Check it against the W column, what you wanted to learn  Create symbols to indicate main ideas, surprising ideas, questionable ideas, and those you don’t understand!


43 Note taking Strategies

44 Note Taking Cornell notes are easy to create and easy to use for studying. They can also be used for taking notes at meetings or organizing information at work.

45 Note Taking The Cornell System includes dividing the page into three main sections by the drawing of an upside-down T. The resultant left column (of about 2.5” in width) is for “cues” or major topics. The right column (6”) is larger to accommodate details related to the cues. A section across the bottom of the page (approx. 2” in height) is meant for a short summary of the page, or perhaps to hold source information.

46 Note Taking While taking notes from a textbook or article, it may be useful to write the details in the right column first Later you can decide what cues are appropriate for the left column. Studying from Cornell notes can be easy: you can cover the details and then quiz yourself using just the cues.

47 Site map Mapping is a visual representation of the information, showing relationships by the use of shapes, arrows, and lines. Taking notes in this style requires an understanding of these relationships before beginning to write, but the visual appeal may be helpful in memorizing certain kinds of information.

48 Site map. Computer network diagrams are examples of mapping.

49 Charting Some information, such as timelines and comparisons, can easily be placed into a chart. On the computer, this can be accomplished by using tables in Word or by using Excel.

50 Charting Charts can help in memorizing categorized information for tests.

51 Outlining Outlining is a method which focuses on main points, sub-points and supporting details. The information in the main heading is general -the sub-headings are more specific.

52 Outlining I. Important people in my life A. Family Members i. Mother ii. Father iii. Grandmother iv. Brother B. Favorite Teacher II. Important experiences in my life


54 Case Study


56 She knows that college will mean she must do quite a bit of reading and some note-taking. She has never had very good concentration for reading things other than magazines for pleasure and hasn't taken notes in a very long time. But Janice is determined to do well in school and be a positive role model for her family.

57 Case Study How can a reading method help Janice understand the material better? How should Janice approach vocabulary? What kinds of note-taking might Janice use on her assignments and projects? How are reading, note-taking, and writing connected?

58 Unit 5 Deliverables So what is due in Week 5?

59 Discussion this week Consider the various reading strategies and methods you read about in this unit. Use the following article in Course Reserves to help you respond to the discussion question. The password is asia904: Use the information from the reading material to apply an advanced reading strategy while reading the article provided. Considering what you believe to be the main point of the article, along with its value to you in this technological era, explain how using a reading strategy is useful to your reading comprehension. Under what circumstances do you plan to use these reading strategies again in the future? Be specific and include references to information from the article to help support your statements.

60 DISCUSSION RULES Requirements for Discussion Questions are in each Unit. -There is a 100-word count or roughly 7 to 10 sentences -Use the these as a guideline to be sure that you have included enough information. BEGIN Wednesday! Your response to the discussion question should be made no later than Saturday (the fourth day of each week).

61 DISCUSSION Check –Did you answer the question? -It is not uncommon for students to get a little off-track and forget to answer the question asked. Make sure this does not happen to you as it can affect your grade. Suggestion: Type it in Microsoft Word -This gives you time to think it through and to correct errors in spelling and/or grammar, which also can affect your grade.

62 PARTICIPATION Respond to two classmates commenting on their response to the discussion question.

63 Discussion and Participation go hand-in-hand You must post to the discussion board on at least three (3) days during the unit. To do this, make three or more postings during the week by posting your original post and then replying to 2 or more classmates showing *meaningful interaction. *Responses must build on the ideas of others and contribute to the assignment questions or issues and be 7 to 10 sentences or about 100 words in length.

64 AGAIN--- meaningful interaction means Responses must build on the ideas of others and contribute to the assignment questions or issues and 7 to 10 sentences or about 100 words in length.

65 Homework Assignment this week Two digit number!!!Full Name !!! SAVE USING THE NAMING CONVENTIONS IN THE DIRECTIONS!

66 Homework Assignment Use your Lassi results from week 3 For this Project, you will be asked what you learned in the two LASSI modules that was important for you Make sure you have completed reading your two modules before beginning this project.

67 Homework Assignment this week Use Microsoft WORD (not Microsoft Word Works or other programs) Save using the naming conventions for this assignment given in the Assignment directions. Use the directions on page 4 of the Assignments for how to upload Check to make sure the paper icon is there and the document was successfully placed into the Drop Box Open the document to ensure you placed the right one in the Drop Box.

68 Don’t forget Your course is CS113 But the section number to this course is What? You need this information for your homework!

69 Questions? Any questions regarding the material covered today?

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