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AP Lang September 15-16. Edit the following sentences for commas and semicolons. When he was eight years old Fr édéric Chopin made his debut as a concert.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Lang September 15-16. Edit the following sentences for commas and semicolons. When he was eight years old Fr édéric Chopin made his debut as a concert."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Lang September 15-16

2 Edit the following sentences for commas and semicolons. When he was eight years old Fr édéric Chopin made his debut as a concert pianist. Until recently scientists believed, that the giant sequoias of California were the oldest living trees on earth. Now however that honor is given to the bristlecone pine which is a small gnarled tree native to the western part of the United States. Botanists estimate that some bristlecone pines are more than six thousand years old, the oldest sequoias are only 2,200 years old according to those who know.

3 Quizzes Take the DOL quiz. Staple your bell ringers to the test and turn them in to the tub. Until everyone finishes the DOL quiz, you may study your vocabulary flash cards. Turn in your 5 new words/vocabulary journal and vocabulary flash cards. Take the vocabulary quiz. YOU WILL NEED YOUR OWN PAPER.

4 When you finish the vocab quiz Get the orange literature book and begin reading Mary Rowlandson, page 37. Background info is found on page 35.

5 A Block Discuss the journal entry regarding “A city on a hill”

6 Reading Read the excerpt from Mary Rowlandson I can identify organizational techniques in a narrative. I can analyze a writer’s organizational techniques and rhetorical devices in communicating her purpose.

7 Multiple Choice practice Do the Reading Comprehension exercise in your vocabulary packet. Take the multiple choice quiz.

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