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«EU-Russia cooperation: Energy and Climate Changes»

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1 «EU-Russia cooperation: Energy and Climate Changes»
Energy Strategy of Russia for the Year 2030: Approaches, Priorities and Reference Points Alexey Gromov PhD in Economic Geography Deputy General Director Institute for Energy Strategy «EU-Russia cooperation: Energy and Climate Changes» October, 23, 2009 Moscow

2 Energy Strategy 2030 in the System of Documents of the Strategic Development
Long-term forecast of the development of Russian economy for the years Conception of the long-term development of the Russian Federation for the year 2020 ES-2030 General scheme of development of the gas industry for the year 2030 General scheme of allocation of power generating facilities for the year 2020 General scheme of development of the oil industry for the year 2030 State program of energy saving Eastern Gas Program Conception of the state program for exploration and exploitation of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation Program of long-term development of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Far East Strategy of development of the power generation in the Russian Far East Investment programs of energy companies 2

3 Innovative and efficient energy development
Aim and Goals of the ES-2030 Innovative and efficient energy development Aim Stable institutional environment in the energy sector Modernization and construction of new energy infrastructure Goals Energy and ecological efficiency of the national economy and energy sector Efficiency of reproduction, extraction and processing of energy resources Further integration of the Russian energy sector into the global energy system Aim of the ES-2030 remains stable despite consequences of the global economic crisis 3

4 Forecasted Change of the Fuel and Energy Complex’s Role in the Russian economy
2030 2005 Energy sector in GDP Energy sector’s export in GDP Energy resources in export Investment in energy sector in total investment 4

5 Expected Dynamics of Specific Energy Intensity of GDP and Domestic Demand for Primary Energy Resources 5

6 Key priorities in the Russian energy sector
Energy Efficiency Economic Efficiency Energy Security Ecological Security 6

7 Energy security Strategic indicators 7 First stage Second stage
Third stage Growth of energy consumption per capita, % by the level of 2005 no less than 10% no less than 20% no less than 40% Growth of electricity consumption per capita, % by the level of 2005 no less than 13% no less than 43% no less than 85% Growth of petrol consumption per capita, % by the level of 2005 no less than 23% no less than 41% no less than 70% Decrease of the current level of equipment’s run-out (in 2005 – 60%): by 10% by 5% Elimination of deficit and maintenance of the sufficient reserve of the power and heat generating capacities Maintenance of power generating reserves at the level of 17% of the total installed capacity of the United Energy Systems (UES) of Russia. Maintenance of normative heat generating reserves of heat stations and boiler-houses. 7

8 Energy efficiency of the economy
Strategic indicators First stage Second stage Third stage Specific energy intensity of GDP, % of the 2005 level no more than 80% no more than 62% no more than 46% Formation of additional energy potential for economic development: 100 mln. t c.e./y 200 mln. t c.e./y 300 mln. t c.e./y Development of high-technological energy services with volume of: 200 bln. RUR/y 300 bln. RUR/y 400 bln. RUR/y Mean decrease in specific losses and auxiliaries in FEC’s enterprises, % by the level of previous year no less than 1% no less than 0,5% Decrease in specific fuel rate for heat generation of heat stations and boiler houses, % by the level of 2005 no less than 2% no less than 6% no less than 10% 8

9 Economic efficiency of the energy sector
Strategic aim: Efficient relationship between government and energy business Principles and mechanisms of realization Creation of favorable economic environment Support of strategic initiatives Optimization of tax burden Development of the insurance system of long-term investments’ risks Rationalization of amortization policy Formation of united leasing companies Perfection of state price (tariff) regulations in the sphere of natural monopolies Support of small and medium-scale business in FEC Completion of liberalization processes in power generation Stimulation of modernization and innovative development of FEC System of prospective regulations, standards and norms Perfection of license policy, elimination of inadequate administrative barriers Organization and stimulation of raising the level of stuff’s skills in FEC Strategic indicators of economic (budget) efficiency of FEC First stage Second stage Third stage Formation of stable institutional and legal environment in FEC Financial stability of FEC and national economy 9

10 Ecological security of the energy sector
Strategic indicators First stage Second stage Third stage Decrease in emission of pollutants into atmosphere and hydrosphere by the FEC, % by the level of 2005: no less than 15% no less than 30% no less than 50% Volume of greenhouse gases emission, % of 1990 level: no more than 83% no more than 92% no more than 105% Rate of APG utilization (in 2005 – 75%): 95% Forecasted dynamics of СО2-emissions 10

11 Key initiatives in the Russian energy sector
Energy infrastructure: deevelopment and diversification Development of oil and gas complexes in Eastern regions of Russia Exploitation of the oil and gas potential of the Northern regions of Russia and Arctic off-shore Non-fuel energy Energy saving 11

12 Energy infrastructure: development and diversification
OIL NATURAL GAS Baltic Pipeline System - 2 – 50 mln. т/y North Stream – 55 bln. cub. m/y Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean – 80 mln. т/y South Stream – 30 bln. cub. m/y 12

13 Development of oil and gas complexes in Eastern regions of Russia
Exploration and exploitation of oil and gas resources in Eastern regions of Russia will help to satisfy the domestic demand for energy resources and diversify directions of export 13

14 Exploitation of Oil and Gas Resources of New Regions (including Arctic offshore)
Shift in natural gas extraction in Russia Shift in oil extraction in Russia new regions new regions 14

15 Non-fuel energy Forecasted development of renewable power generation Priority development: Nuclear POWER GENERATION Hydro Renewable Putting into operation installed capacity of GWt will increase the share of renewable energy in power generation from 0,5 to 4,5% 15

16 Energy Saving Expected results of energy saving and increase in energy efficiency in Russia Potential of energy saving in Russia is estimated at level of 45% of the current consumption of energy resources Saving of 240 bln. cub. m of natural gas, 340 bln. kilowatt-hour of electric power, 90 mln t of coal and 45 mln t of oil and oil products 1 Improvement in competitiveness of national economy under conditions of growing tariffs for energy resources 2 Consumption of energy resources can be reduced by: Increase in revenues from extra export of oil and natural gas: bln. USD 3 20% in heat supply 30% in power generation 40% in industry and transportation 50% in living apartments Decrease in governmental expanses: 3-5 bln. USD 4 Reduction in CO2 –emissions: 790 mln t/y Improvement in ecological situation in the country 5 16

17 State Energy Policy in Russia
MECHANISMS Key priorities' realization Rational market environment Advanced standards and regulations Prospective state of Russian FEC Strategic initiatives Energy security Management of state property Energy efficiency of economy Subsoil resources management Development of home energy markets Formation of rational energy balance Economic efficiency of FEC Social policy in the energy sector Regional energy policy External energy policy 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE Ecological security of FEC Scientific, technical and innovative policy KEY PRIORITIES POLITICS 17

18 Export of primary energy resources up to 2030

19 Forecasted dynamics and structure of oil and oil products export
Forecast of oil and oil products export Strategic directions of external energy policy Diversification of the commodity composition of export Diversification of the directions of export Support of Russian energy companies (from upstream to downstream) abroad Stimulation of transit flows of oil through the Russian territory Formation of new Russian marker oil brand REBCO and promotion of its international trade 19

20 Forecasted dynamics and structure of Russian gas export
Forecast of gas export Strategic directions of external energy policy Diversification of export directions Support of Russian energy companies (from upstream to downstream) abroad Import of natural gas from Central Asia and its re-export to the CIS mainly Production and transportation of LNG. Expansion into the new markets: the USA and Asia-Pacific 20

21 Forecast of investment in energy sector and energy supply of the national economy for the year of 2030 24-32% of investment in FEC will be directed in power generation, % - in oil industry, 21-24% - in gas industry and 3% - in coal industry. The sphere of energy supply will receive 22-23% of investment, forecasted in ES-2030 21

22 Expected results of ES-2030
1) Guaranteed energy security of Russia and its regions 2) Competent participation of Russia in ensuring global energy security, partly by means of diversification of export 3) Gradual decrease in dependency of national economy from oil and gas sector and respective decline of FEC’s share in the structure of GDP from 30 to 18% 4) Decrease in specific energy intensity of GDP by 2,1-2,3 times 5) Optimization of fuel and energy balance, decline in the share of natural gas in energy consumption from 52 to 46-47% and increase in the share of non-fuel energetics from 11 to 13-14% 6) Exploration and exploitation of new oil and gas producing regions 7) Development of the social partnership between energy companies and society 8) Improvement in financial stability, budget efficiency and investment prosperity of energy companies 9) Innovative renovation of production assets and energy infrastructure, development of new energy technologies 10) Ecological security and efficiency of FEC, limitation of greenhouse gases emissions (up to % by the level of 1990) owing to realization of the potential for energy saving 24

23 Thank you for your attention!

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