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One vs. You Created by Kathryn Reilly One vs. You.

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1 One vs. You Created by Kathryn Reilly One vs. You

2 One and You One and you are both pronouns. They replace a person’s name in the text. A writer should be careful not to overuse either pronoun in a text.

3 Using One A writer should use the pronoun one to refer to a person when the text is formal. One is considered a polite reference. One is a general reference to a person, male or female.

4 Using You A writer should use the pronoun you to include audience members. You is considered an informal reference. You is a specific reference that directly speaks to the reader or listener.

5 One vs. You Use in formal texts such as academic papers Use to generally refer to a male or female Use in a general statement: – One should always be polite. Use in informal texts such as speeches Use to include the readers/listeners by speaking directly to them Use as a specific reference: – You should vote in the upcoming election.

6 One vs. You Examples One should make eye contact when giving a speech. Should one always write a thank-you note for gifts? When revising a paper, one should always use spell check. You should speak clearly during your presentation. Should you write a thank- you note to Aunt Rose? When revising the paper, you should focus on correcting these ten spelling mistakes.

7 One vs. You Review If the text reference applies to all people, then the writer should use one. If the text is formal, then the writer should use one. If the text reference speaks to a specific person, then the writer should use you. If the text is informal, then the writer should use you. A writer should avoid overusing these pronouns, especially you, as overuse could be interpreted as demanding.

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