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The 5 Different Types of Writing Applications for 5 th graders.

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Presentation on theme: "The 5 Different Types of Writing Applications for 5 th graders."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 5 Different Types of Writing Applications for 5 th graders

2 Expressive Includes: PPPPersonal narratives SSSStories PPPPoetry SSSSongs DDDDramatic Pieces

3 Example of an Expressive Prompt Think of a change to a place that you know well, and write a story about the events that occurred. Readers should know the details of the change, and they should know how you feel about the changes that occurred.

4 Expository Includes:  Nonfiction writing that describes or explains/ informs This writing supports a thesis based on research, observation, and/or experience

5 Example of an Expository Prompt You have been hired to be a news reporter for the Arizona Republic. Your job is to write a newspaper article that informs reader’s of the winner of the 2008 presidential election.

6 Functional This writing provides specific directions or information related to real-world texts. Includes: TTTThank-you notes FFFFriendly and formal letters MMMMessages IIIInvitations DDDDirections RRRRecipes GGGGraphs/tables

7 Example of a Functional Prompt Write a “How-to” about a skill, project, game, or etc. that you know how to do well. Pretend the person reading your “How-to” has no previous knowledge of how to do the activity you are describing.

8 Persuasive  This writing is used for the purpose of influencing the reader.  The author presents an issue and expresses an opinion in order to convince an audience to agree with the opinion

9 Example of a Persuasive Prompt Your school recently reduced the lunch period from 30 minutes to 15 minutes. You decide to write a letter to the school principal, Mrs. Howell, persuading her to go back to the 30 minute lunch schedule. Write a letter to Mrs. Howell convincing her to go back to a 30-minute lunch period.

10 Literary Response TTTThis is the writer’s reaction to a text. Includes: JJJJournal entries BBBBook reports

11 Example of a Literary Response Prompt After reading the Black Pearl, write a book report. The report should include the setting, plot elements, and your personal response to the book.

12 Guess the Application

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