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Think About What policies might help address the population issues in your region?

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Presentation on theme: "Think About What policies might help address the population issues in your region?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Think About What policies might help address the population issues in your region?

2 Population Policies How nations have attempted to increase, decrease and perfect populations

3 Expansionist Policies Pronatalist Incentives: – Subsidies, childcare, preferential treatment Penalties: – Punishment for using/teaching about contraception Propaganda

4 France

5 Post- WWII Propaganda Incentives

6 Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

7 Romania Nikolai Ceausescu

8 Romania Concerned with falling birthrate Economy Racist Concerned with falling birthrate Economy Racist

9 Romania, 1967-89 Methods – Abortion illegal – Contraception banned – Divorce very difficult – Monthly gynecological checkups for all women – Some financial incentives for multiple children – Punitive taxes for over 25 with no children

10 Romania: Results Short-term rise in birth rate Big increase in maternal mortality Huge number of orphans

11 Critical Thinking What makes for good pronatalist policy?

12 Restrictive Policies Antinatalist Concerned with overpopulation Incentives – Better resources, preferential treatment – Access to family planning services Penalties – Loss of opportunities, status – Criminal prosecution

13 China Under Mao, population growth encouraged Communist government introduces “One Child” policy

14 China

15 One Child Policy, 1979-Now Families are “encouraged” to only have one child Incentives for one-child families Punitive measures

16 One Child Policy, 1979-Now “Where there are evil people who actually sabotage or undermine the policy of family planning, we must mobilize the masses to expose them in a timely way and subject them to severe treatment by the judiciary and related departments” – Government of China directive

17 One Child Policy, 1979-Now Burden falls mostly on women China in danger of having a shortage of women


19 Critical Thinking What makes for good antinatalist policy?

20 Eugenics “Perfecting” the population Breeding Denying some ability to reproduce

21 Brazil

22 1890-1930 The “Whitening” – Pro-European Immigration – Encouraged miscegenation – “Brazilian Man” 1890-1930 The “Whitening” – Pro-European Immigration – Encouraged miscegenation – “Brazilian Man”

23 Brazil: Results “Race” is much harder to define Darker-skinned people discriminated against Recent resurgence of “Afro-Brazilian” identity


25 Sweden 1934-76 Forced sterilization – Mentally ill – Roma (Gypsies) – “loose” women – orphans Over 62,000 sterilized


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