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PRONOUNS HE, ONESELF, Somebody IT, They, I, That, My.

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Presentation on theme: "PRONOUNS HE, ONESELF, Somebody IT, They, I, That, My."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRONOUNS HE, ONESELF, Somebody IT, They, I, That, My

2 Pronouns A word that replaces a ______.

3 Personal Pronouns Personal pronouns refer to the _____you are talking about or to.

4 Personal Pronouns __ person- (must_____!)- me, I, we, our, mine, my, ourselves __person- (person ___are talking __) you, your __person-(person you are talking____)he, she, they, it, them, her, him,

5 Subject Pronouns Pronoun that can be used as a ______in a sentence. Example: ____ went to the store. _____ ran down the street.

6 Object Pronouns A pronoun that can be used as an ____ of a sentence. The policeman ran after ________. (me, him, them, us, it, you, her)

7 Weird Pronouns If you have a ________in a sentence, you must use the SUBJECT pronoun. I am____. We are ____. It is __.

8 Possessive Pronouns A pronoun that shows _________. Example: _____ shirt. (His, Her, My, Our, Their) That shirt is _____(mine, his, ours, theirs)

9 Possessive Pronouns Possessive Pronouns _______have an apostrophe in them. Examples: its food. Your mom It’s=it is You’re=you are

10 Examples (It’s, Its) my turn to read. The dog is chasing (it’s, its) tail. I want (you’re, your) food. (You’re, your) answer is correct. (You’re, your) not going to go.

11 Demonstrative Pronouns _____, these, ____, those Example-That is my book.

12 Interrogative Pronoun A pronoun used to introduce a _______. Example: who, whom, what, which, whose ____ do you want to eat?

13 Who and Whom Who is used as a subject Example: Who is that? Whom is used as an object Example: To whom were you speaking?

14 Indefinite Pronoun A pronoun that does ___ refer to a specific person, place, or thing (anybody, somebody, many, few, all, some, each, neither, everybody)

15 Indefinite pronouns _______- one, neither, anybody anything, anyone, somebody, something, someone, everybody, Example-Everybody depends on his friends for help. _______-both, few, many, several

16 Indefinite Pronouns When you try to decide if the pronoun is singular or plural, mark out __________ phrase. Each of the classes took (its, their) time.

17 Reflexive Pronoun A reflexive pronoun refers _____ ___ the subject. Ex: My sister didn’t see ______ as a good student. (ourselves, yourself, yourselves himself, herself, itself, myself, themselves ourself)

18 Intensive Pronouns An intensive pronoun _______ the noun or pronoun in the same sentence. I ______ just keep saying, “We’ll win!” If you take the pronoun ____ of the sentence the sentence will still make _____.

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