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Uzbekistan Location: Central Asia, to the north from Afganistan. Central Part of Uzbekistan located between Syr-Darya and Amu-Darya rivers. Neighbours:

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Presentation on theme: "Uzbekistan Location: Central Asia, to the north from Afganistan. Central Part of Uzbekistan located between Syr-Darya and Amu-Darya rivers. Neighbours:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Uzbekistan Location: Central Asia, to the north from Afganistan. Central Part of Uzbekistan located between Syr-Darya and Amu-Darya rivers. Neighbours: Afganistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan. Square - 447.400

2 Demografic profile Indicator Units200020012002200320042005 Demographic profile Number of population: womenin thousands12294..412449.212594.712743.41287613027.7 Urban populationin thousands9165.59225.39286.99340.79381.39441.9 Total populationin thousands24487.724813.125115.825427.925707.426021.3 Number of population: menin thousands12193.312363.912521.112984.512931.412993.6 Rural populationin thousands15322.215587.815828.916087.216326.116579.4 Population density people per sq.km55.556.256.957.5...

3 Land Resources IndicatorUnits20002001200220032004 Land resources Total land area in thousand hectares...44410.3 Total forest stockthousand hectares8532.78052.7 8088.88110.5 Land area utilized in agriculture in thousand hectares...26734.526694.125841.125681.3 Land disturbance and reclamationhectares... Land disturbed45403.444206.445000.845101.943938.7 Land worked-off136911236713601.713152.213206.5 Area of reclaimed land47689.249890.751581.954118.378781 (c) UNDP CO in Uzbekistan, 2006. All Rights Reserved.

4 Human Development IndicatorsUnits2000200120022003 Human development Adult literacy ratein %99.1799.1899.1999.2 Index of achieved level of education0.913 0.917 Average years of schoolingyears11.411.511.6 Literacy index0.992 Schooling index0.760.77 Educational attainment2.74 2.76 Life expectancy index0.7630.7720.770.777 GDP index0.5320.5350.540.545 Human Development Index (HDI)0.7360.740.7410.747 The gender empowerment index (GEM)0.3820.3780.380.411

5 Higher education in Uzbekistan Number of institutions 200020012002200320042005 Total:61 63 64 In Tashkent:29 31 3232

6 Higher education Universities - 24 Institutes – 40 Including · Technical - 14 · Economic - 3 · Humanitarian - 15 · Pedagogical - 6 · Medical - 6 · agrarian - 4 · Special - 13 · Branch of the Economic Academy named after V. Plehanov (Moscow) - 1 · International Westminster university in Tashkent - 1 · Moscow State university in Tashkent - 1

7 Distribution of institutes according the subordination to ministries and authorities Ministries and authorities Number of institutions Cabinet of ministers1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs1 Ministry of higher and secondary special education33 Ministry of public education5 Ministry of health6 Ministry of culture and sport5 Art Academy1 Uzbek Agency of communication and information1 Ministry of Justice1 Uzbek railway company1 Uzbek metal concern (Концерн «Кизилкумнодирметаллолтин»)1 Ministry of agricultural and water industry4 State taxation committee1 Branch of institutes from abroad3 Total64

8 Since 1998 in accordance with the Law of Education of the Republic of Uzbekustan the 2 levels of preparation in higher education has been implemented: Bachelor Level (4 years) Magister Level (2 years)

9 Number of Students

10 In 2004/2005 academic year: the number of students came to 270 thousands, 60 thousands graduates, including 9,8 thousands graduates from pedagogical institutes

11 IndicatorUnits2001200220032004 Higher education Higher educational enrolments... Number of higher educational institutions6162 63 Students enrolled in higher educational institutions thousand persons207.2232.2254.4263.6 Number of students per 10,000 persons829199101 Students admitted thousand persons50.654.66159.3 Undergraduate admissions thousand persons46.650.656.154.2 Number of graduates thousand persons3639.845.552.8 Number of graduates per 10,000 persons14161820

12 IndicatorUnits2001200220032004 Higher education Universities... Number of universities1820 Students enrolled thousand persons96.3113.7125131.1 Students admitted thousand persons24.528.131.630.3 Number of graduates thousand persons16.62023.527.4 Admission of students to higher educational institutions for regular study and competition among app... Number of applications222337178443167831236281 Admittedpersons45279458494786354198 Number of applications per 1 admission5443 (c) UNDP CO in Uzbekistan, 2006. All Rights Reserved.

13 Additional information There are two forms of payment: governmental grants (free for students) and contract form (paid) There are state educational credits in the republic There are 350-400 women per thousand men on average per year Teaching laguages are: Uzbek, Russian, Karakhalpak, cometimes – Kazakh, Tajik and Turkmen

14 The state educational standards and curricula of 131 bachelor courses and 664 magister specialities are approved by the Ministry of higher and secondary special education. Based on the standards programs of the disciplines are developed.

15 There are 22 thousands faculties working in institutes and universities of Uzbekistan, including 42,8% with academic degree of candidates and doctors of sciences


17 Science and Research institutes Universities and institutes Academy of Sciences Academy of State Building attached to the President’s Staff Institute of History Institute of Phylosophy Institute of Art Center of Economic Research Centers of sociological research

18 Science and Research IndicatorUnits2001200220032004 Science and research Research staff number of persons36132365283489933614 Researches involved in research and development number of persons24677262942590425556 Doctorates among research staff number of persons2024217822482269 Candidates among research staff number of persons8514890488378578 Postgraduate admissions and commencement... Number of postgraduate students number of persons3362289125842188 Postgraduate admissions number of persons873810699576 Postgraduate commencement number of persons9271036789682 Dissertation defense number of persons1451335988 (c) UNDP CO in Uzbekistan, 2006. All Rights Reserved.

19 Science and Research

20 Budget For the period from 2003 to 2005 for higher educational establishments the governent allocated 3 million 665 thousands EUR. Distribution of the sum among the ministries is as follows: Ministry of higher and secondary special education – 2 millon 823 thousand EUR; Ministry of health – 289 thousands 200 EUR; Ministry of agricultural and water industry – 256 thousands EUR; Ministry of public education – 60 933 EUR Other ministries – 198,733 EUR.

21 International donors: - USA: USAID, STCU, CRDF - EU: TEMPUS, INCO, INTAS During 2003-2005 higher educational establishments carried out projects of internacional grants on the total 2 million 646 thousands US dollars.

22 TEMPUS projects Currently 25 universities and institutes participate in 22 TEMPUS projects. In 2005 European Committee alloted 2,6 million EUR. The total alloted for Uzbekistan in the framework of TEMPUS program is 15,4 million EUR

23 Other sources From 2005 some projects are realised at the expense of reduced credits of Japan Bank of International Coperation, Asian Development Bank, German Bank of developmet (KFW), and governments of Belgium, Poland and Korea These projects are dedicated to technical support, professional training of teaching staff, development of teaching materials. In 2006 19,05 million US dollars has been spent for these projects. It is planning to use 32,97 million $ total.

24 Japan government grants Since 1999 government of Japan alloted educational grants for Uzbek citizens for study in Japan in the fields of law, policy and management, economics, business, informational technology, engineering. There are 69 alumnus of the programs in Uzbekistan. Currently more than 50 Uzbek citizens continue the study in Japan.

25 Russia In accordance of quotas of Ministry of science and education of Russian Federation, in 2005 65 students, 10 postgraduates and 1 doctoral students have been sent for study in Russian universities.

26 Educational websites – (Ministry of higher education – 33 institutes)

27 All the presented information is available on web sites: (web site of the authority of the Republic od Uzbekistan) (UNDP CO in Uzbekistan, 2006).

28 Thank you for your attention Lyudmila Kim Liliya Safarova National Unibersity of Uzbekistan

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