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Eukaryotes w/modified mitochondria mitosomes & hydrogenosomes surrounded by 2 membranes no organelle DNA; genes in nucleus similar protein targeting to.

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Presentation on theme: "Eukaryotes w/modified mitochondria mitosomes & hydrogenosomes surrounded by 2 membranes no organelle DNA; genes in nucleus similar protein targeting to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eukaryotes w/modified mitochondria mitosomes & hydrogenosomes surrounded by 2 membranes no organelle DNA; genes in nucleus similar protein targeting to organelles mostly anaerobic habitats –Giardia intestinalis (mitosomes) –Trichomonas vaginalis (hydrogenosomes)

2 Euglenozoans flagella structure unique heterotrophs & autotrophs eg Euglena complex unicells two types of movement farm ponds, high nutrients –red carotenoid pigments

3 Haptophytes aka Coccolithophorids unicellular flagellates autotrophs, impt in C cycle CaCO 3 scales = coccoliths cool Earth 3 ways: remove CO 2 if sink reflect light promote cloud formation –release S compounds--> aerosols –some bacteria can prevent

4 Alveolates membrane cavities = alveoli 3 very different types of unicells

5 1. Dinoflagellates dino = whirl 2 flagella plates in alveoli heterotrophs, autotrophs fw & marine

6 Photosynthetic dinoflagellate symbionts of coral = “zooxanthellae”

7 toxic dinoflagellates Blooms--human pollution (N, P) –Eg big hog farm waste, NC Red tides (pigment from Dino) –Shellfish poisoning example: Pfisteria piscicida –carnivorous, w/feeding tube –neurotoxin: stuns fish, eats them

8 2. Apicomplexans apex has complex of host-penetrating organelles eg. Plasmodium--malaria –2 hosts: mosquitos, humans –Resistant to drugs –plastids (no pigments)--vulnerable?

9 3. Ciliates Among most complex of cells Cilia for locomotion (9+2 like flagella) Example: Vorticella cilia around top of cup Sessile (attached) stalk contracts like slinky

10 Stramenopiles stramen “straw” pile “hair unicellular & multicellular autotrophs & heterotrophs 3 examples:

11 1.oomycetes heterotrophs, decomposers Phytophthora infestans –late blight of potato –great potato famine Phytophthora ramorum –“sudden oak death” kills many trees David Schmale

12 2. diatoms autotrophs, brown pigments plankton, ubiquitous glass-like walls of silica diatomaceous earth test microscope resolution make oil—biofuels?

13 3. brown algae autotrophs, brown pigments incl. kelps—largest, most complex protists some kelps grow 60 m in 1 season keystone species— others depend on

14 blade stipe complex structure of kelp blade holdfast

15 example of endosymbiosis involving a stramenopile chlplsts of stramenopile, Vaucheria ingested by sea slug Elysia lives 10 months, no food gene from nucleus of alga found in nucleus of Elysia PNAS Nov 18, 2008 105: 17867-17871

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