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3R’s A(nd) MUS(t) Challenges and solutions from a women’s perspective. Lesha Witmer, Women for Water partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "3R’s A(nd) MUS(t) Challenges and solutions from a women’s perspective. Lesha Witmer, Women for Water partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 3R’s A(nd) MUS(t) Challenges and solutions from a women’s perspective. Lesha Witmer, Women for Water partnership

2 2 Context More water insecurity and food supply issues More and more water-related disasters: floods, draught, pollution Water Disclosure Global Report 2010: demand is projected to outstrip supply by 40 percent by 2030, an estimated half of the world’s population is likely to live in areas of high water stress by the same year Climate change makes it worse, but not the “only” cause.. use of water has increasing policy relevance enhanced political will is needed to make one of our most precious natural resources sustainable for the future European Commission: flagship initiative on resource efficiency under the Europe 2020 strategy: “Blueprint for Safeguarding Europe’s Water” by 2012

3 3 Attention needed for: Behavioral changes Behavioral changes Waste water management: 3 R’s: reduce, reuse, re-cycle Waste water management: 3 R’s: reduce, reuse, re-cycle Water storage & MUS Water storage & MUS Capacity development: awareness about use and pollution Capacity development: awareness about use and pollution (lack of) access to safe sanitation Water & energy Water & energy river basin management: IWRM and transboundary river basin management: IWRM and transboundary Restoration of infra structure Restoration of infra structure

4 4 In general Water needs a common voice. Water needs sustainable solutions. Water needs joint action Water needs local and global solutions

5 5 Solution(s): Information & behavioral change Legislation is not enough and often outdated Decentralize including finances and tools Incorporate all stakeholders in decision-making, planning and implementation Technology is available but not adapted to local scale; efficiency is not always THE or only solution

6 6 Solution: decrease water consumption / use new measures to decrease water consumption in buildings and do something about leakage Decrease water use in agriculture: change crops and diets: training in water management SME (women) and alternative crops Decrease use in cooling, waste management/ sewerage MUS: multiple use MUS: multiple use Waste water management: Reduce, Re-use, recycle Waste water management: Reduce, Re-use, recycle Rivers and lakes are no sewerage! Rivers and lakes are no sewerage!

7 7 Solution: modernize legislation and treaties major review of current EU and UNECE water legislation: incorporate new technology and insights in legislation Implement Water & Health protocol Get international legal frameworks in force to enhance cooperation and set a common agenda Horizontal coordination between policy areas Mainstream water issues in all other policy areas (health, land use, education, agriculture) gender specific indicators to be used

8 8 What can women / you do? Reduce use of water: shower, cooking, cleaning, garden watering Reduce use of water: shower, cooking, cleaning, garden watering Multiple use of water: household cycle Multiple use of water: household cycle Multiple use of water: e.g. Irrigation, household use or e.g dry sanitation and composting Multiple use of water: e.g. Irrigation, household use or e.g dry sanitation and composting Collect rain – and waste water; re-cycle, re-use Collect rain – and waste water; re-cycle, re-use Use “old fashioned”airconditioning Use “old fashioned”airconditioning Water stewardship / water management plans in businesses Water stewardship / water management plans in businesses Raise awareness on water use and water as limited resource Raise awareness on water use and water as limited resource Lobby for legislation chnages Lobby for legislation chnages Lobby for hygiene and water “management” in education Lobby for hygiene and water “management” in education

9 9 What is needed? Give timely and compete information so people can make informed choices : includes training on water technologies, safe sanitation, water resources management and promoting behavioural change Give timely and compete information so people can make informed choices : includes training on water technologies, safe sanitation, water resources management and promoting behavioural change Incorporate knowledge on water and water use and hygiene in education Incorporate knowledge on water and water use and hygiene in education Financial incentives (e.g. The way we “prize” water) Financial incentives (e.g. The way we “prize” water)

10 10 Solution: together Let’s not But

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