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1. An all-powerful God exists 2. An all-loving God exists 3. Evil exists Versions of the Problem of Evil Intellectual VersionEmotional Version Logical.

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3 1. An all-powerful God exists 2. An all-loving God exists 3. Evil exists Versions of the Problem of Evil Intellectual VersionEmotional Version Logical Probabilistic

4 Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? -Epicurus

5 Four Unsatisfactory Solutions 1. Deny that God exists 2. Deny that an all-powerful God exists 3. Deny that an all-loving God exists 4. Deny that evil exists

6 1. All Ukrainians are good looking 2. All good looking people are proud 3. Therefore, all Ukrainians are proud people The Basics of Logical Syllogisms 1. All humans have a soul 2. Bob is a human 3. Therefore, Bob has a soul 1. All dogs go to heaven 2. Rover is a dog 3. Therefore, Rover will go to heaven

7 1.God created all things 2.Evil is a thing 3.Therefore, God created evil Evil is the absence/ privation/ loss of good. It is a hole in goodness. Defining “Evil”

8 A. God did not create evil B. God allowed evil to actualize “A world containing creatures who are significantly free (and free to perform more good than evil actions) is more valuable, all else being equal, than a world containing no free creatures at all” 1.God created all good things 2.Evil is not good 3.Therefore, God did not create evil The Origin of Evil

9 C. God has a purpose for evil 1.An all-loving God has a purpose for everything 2.There is some evil for which we see no good purpose 3.Therefore, there is a good purpose for all evil, even if we don’t see it 1.God is all-good and desires to defeat evil 2.God is all-powerful and is able to defeat evil 3.Evil is not yet defeated 4.Therefore, evil will one day be defeated Some possible purposes: a. God’s attributes and human virtues can be exemplified b. For achieving a greater good d. God uses evil for judgment on mankind c. For preventing a greater evil

10 1.An all-powerful, all-loving God exists 2.Evil exists The Logical Problem of Evil 3. If God is all-powerful, he can create any world he wants 4. If God is all-loving, he prefers a world without evil 5. God could not have created another world with as much good as, but not less suffering than, this world, and God has good reasons for permitting the suffering that exists

11 The Probabilistic Problem of Evil 1. Relative to the full range of God’s perfect attributes and human limitation, we are not in a position to judge 2. Relative to the full scope of evidence, God’s existence is probable 3. Relative to the full Christian doctrine, suffering makes sense

12 1. If God does not exist, objective moral values do not exist 2. Objective moral values do exist 3. Therefore, God exists Existence of Evil as Evidence for God’s Existence 1.Every law has a law giver 2.There is a Moral Law 3.Therefore, there is a Moral Law Giver


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