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The Crimson Prairie Part 2 In a few sentences, explain how the Native American concept of owning land differed from that of the settlers.

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Presentation on theme: "The Crimson Prairie Part 2 In a few sentences, explain how the Native American concept of owning land differed from that of the settlers."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Crimson Prairie Part 2 In a few sentences, explain how the Native American concept of owning land differed from that of the settlers.

2 Apache of New Mexico & Arizona Most fierce resistance Lead by Geronimo Big Medicine- sun flashing heliograph Apache persuaded to surrender as Apache women are captured and sent to Florida Ultimately become successful farmers in Oklahoma

3 Final Submission Human Zoos- reservation system: better to feed than fight Railroads, buffalo, firewater Helen Hunt Jackson- A Century of Dishonor (morality of Indian submission) Attempts at “taming” the Natives (civilized). Christianity- end of reservation system Squatters, boomers, sooners: Oklahoma territory Dawes Severalty Act 1887- dissolves tribes and tribal ownership. Forced assimilation- “Good white settlers” Carlisle Indian School- “Kill the Indian and save the man”

4 Epilogue: Last Attempt at Resistance Outlawing of the Sun Dance Wovoka and the cult of the Ghost Dance- Rejection of all things white. Creation of the ghost shirts (bullet proof) Wounded Knee- Big Foot wanting to surrender. Black Coyote fires an inadvertant shot US Army opens fire and kills 150 natives.

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