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4 Theories that explain The origins of the state.

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1 4 Theories that explain The origins of the state.
Unit 1 Origins of the Government

2 1. The force theory The state was born by force.
One person or group claimed control and forced all within that area to submit to that person’s rule The physically stronger person became chief of the tribe and then they fight other tribes “survival of the fittest” in some sense Once force was taken then all 4 elements of a state were present. Weaknesses – Force cannot be the only element that creates and preserves power. History has proven that those who come to power by force are overthrown by force.

3 2. The evolutionary theory
The state was developed naturally out of the early family Head of the house is the head of the family As the family developed networks of families became clans which became tribes and then a state was born Religion has played a huge part in this- 12 tribes of Jacob become the land of Israel

4 3. The divine right theory
Started with Aztecs, Mayan, Egyptians, China, Japan and then very accepted in the 15th -18th centuries by the Europeans God created the state God gave “divine right” to rule: royalty was only accountable to God because he created the state Opposition to this would have been treason and a mortal sin Weaknesses – State is not a divine institution, only explains one form of government (monarchy).

5 4. The Social contract theory
Human beings in their unpleasant conditions agreed together to create the state A contract was agreed upon and within that contract the people only gave as much power that was need to keep them safe. This power was given to a government voluntarily from free people The state only exists to sever the will of the people The people are the sole source of political power and that they are free to give or withhold power from the government This theory promotes the ideas of popular sovereignty, limited gov’t, and individual rights.

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