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1 st Grade Curriculum Night September 16, 2015 Welcome to First Grade!  What is 1 st grade all about?  How do I help my child be a successful and happy.

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2 1 st Grade Curriculum Night September 16, 2015

3 Welcome to First Grade!  What is 1 st grade all about?  How do I help my child be a successful and happy learner?

4 General Information  Notes concerning changes in dismissal  Money identified for a purpose in an envelope labeled with student name, grade and teacher  Automated lunch accounts  Recess clothing  Volunteer Policy  Telephone alert system  P.T.O. Membership

5 First Grade Staff Teachers  Mrs. Joyce Kelley  Mrs. Bonnie Scappaticci  Mrs. Jane Rossi, Literacy Specialist  Mrs. Becky Holleran Math Specialist  Mrs. Jackie Cedor,  Mrs. Christine Greaney Special Education  Mrs. Sarah Billingsly Speech Pathologist Specialists

6 Content Areas Language Arts ·Reading ·Writer’s Workshop ·Spelling ·Handwriting Science Social Studies Mathematics ·Problem Solving ·Addition and Subtraction fact fluency ·Place Value to 100 Art Music Physical Education Library/Media Computers

7 Reading Shared Reading Guided Reading Independent Reading

8 Small Reading Group  Children will be grouped according to their reading needs.  Groups are flexible.  Children work independently on the following: Read to self, Work on writing, Work on words, Read to someone, Listen to reading with technology.

9 What Parents Can Do:  Read orally to your child  Talk about the book together  Reinforce reading strategies  Have your child read books from weekly reading homework pack

10 Writing  Writer’s Workshop Become authors of their own stories  Handwriting Legibility, Directionality, Spacing  Spelling Begin to use correct spelling by learning sight words and word parts.

11 Narrative Writing Checklist

12 Opinion Writing Checklist

13 Information Writing Checklist

14 What Parents Can Do:  Have your child read their stories to you  Ask questions about their writing  Encourage them to use their sounds when writing  Practice sight words with them in fun ways

15 Common Core Language Arts  More integration of Science and Social Studies  Writing includes:  Narrative-writing about themselves  Opinion-writing an opinion with a reason  Informative-writing facts about real things; ”How-to” instructional books

16 Common Core Mathematics  Rigorous, in depth, newly adopted national curriculum.  8 Math Units of Study include: Geometry, Addition and Subtraction within 100, Partitioning (fractions), Counting and Place Value, and Time.  New Math Program-GO MATH

17 What Parents Can Do:  Incorporate math into daily routines  Review math facts

18 Science/Social Studies Science Plants, animals, lifecycles of plants, frogs, shadows, light and sound Social Studies United States symbols, community helpers, laws and responsibility

19 Specials  NEW SCHEDULE A,B,C,D,E,F DAYS  Art- Sign-up as a helper  Music  Physical Education (sneakers, clothes that your child can move in)  Library (books must be brought back each week to get a new one)  Computer Lab (comfortable headphones) What Parents Can Do:  Send your child in prepared

20  Sent home on last day of the week  Return the following last day of the week (Friday to Friday) Homework Packet Contents  Book log  Shared reading  Math  Spelling- Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check  Return Reading Homework Pack on Friday with all books Homework

21 What Parents Can Do:  Create a quiet environment  Develop a routine  Check for the Homework in their Homework Folder  Support your child  Notify teacher if there’s any homework issues

22 Please remember to…  Take your copy of this Presentation available on the table outside this gym  Sign up for October Parent/Teacher Conferences on the desk outside of your child’s classroom

23 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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