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Amazing Animals A PowerQuest for Second Grade

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1 Amazing Animals A PowerQuest for Second Grade
By: Greta Jones Penny Lynch Old Richmond Elementary School Give your WebQuest a “catchy” title to attract your students’ attention. Add your name and school, along with the date, to this slide. Adjust the font size and color, and change the background color to match the theme of your Quest. You may want to add an image to this page as well. If you want to hide the main menu icon, cover it with a rectangle that is the color of your background.

2 Question… How do animals live and survive in different habitats?
Essential Question Question… How do animals live and survive in different habitats? Give your WebQuest a “catchy” title to attract your students’ attention. Add your name and school, along with the date, to this slide. Adjust the font size and color, and change the background color to match the theme of your Quest. You may want to add an image to this page as well. If you want to hide the main menu icon, cover it with a rectangle that is the color of your background.

3 Introduction Animals live all over the world.
They have different needs depending on where they live. As a junior animal expert you will choose an animal and investigate what they need to survive.

4 Task Choose an animal from one of these parts of the world.
Arctic – Polar Bear, Penguin, Caribou Ocean – Whale, Jellyfish, Shark Desert – Meerkat, Bark Scorpion, Texas Horned Lizard Rainforest – Boa Constrictor, Red Eye Tree Frog, Orangutan

5 Process 1. Once you have chosen an animal, click on the picture of where your animal lives. 2. Things to look for: Animal habitats What your animal eats (prey). How your animal has adapted to its environment An interesting fact about your animal 3. Take the information you have learned and make a visual presentation to present to the class

6 Animal Habitat Select a habitat

7 Rainforest Animals

8 Ocean Animals http:// hol_www/OceanAnimals.html

9 Arctic Animals

10 Desert Animals

11 Animal Worksheet Click on the picture to go to the animal worksheet

12 Resources

13 Super Senior Animal Expert Wow!
Evaluation Rubric Junior Animal Expert (keep trying) Animal Expert Good! Senior Animal Expert Way to go!! Super Senior Animal Expert Wow! Score Animal Worksheet Little or no information on worksheet Some information listed but writing may be unclear. Worksheet lists all required information and is easy to read Worksheet lists all required and additional information written clearly with few mistakes Visual Visual does not show a clear understanding of animal Visual shows some understanding of animal Visual shows clear understanding of the animal Visual shows an advanced understanding of animals needs Type in your actual objectives in the first column. The remaining columns should describe the way that each objective will be evaluated. Tell the students whether this rubric will result in a group grade or an individual grade. You may want separate slides for each if their grade is a composite of group and individual work. Encourage students to print this slide for future reference. *For more information on how to create multimedia evaluative rubrics, go to the RubiStar website.

14 Conclusion Congratulations!! Now you can learn how other animals live. Have fun!!

15 Teacher Second Grade Science
Competency Goal 1: The learner will conduct investigations and build an understanding of animal life cycles. Objectives 1.01 Describe the life cycle of animals including: Birth. Developing into an adult. Reproducing. Aging and death. 1.02 Observe that insects need food, air and space to grow. Social Studies Competency Goal 8: The learner will recognize how technology is used at home, school, and in the community. 8.02 Explain how technology has affected the world in which we live. 8.03 Interpret data on charts and graphs and make predictions. Fair Use Policy – This multimedia presentation has been prepared under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and is restricted from further use.

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