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Chapter 2 Data Manipulation Yonsei University 1 st Semester, 2015 Sanghyun Park.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 Data Manipulation Yonsei University 1 st Semester, 2015 Sanghyun Park."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 Data Manipulation Yonsei University 1 st Semester, 2015 Sanghyun Park

2 Outline  Computer Architecture  Machine Language  Program Execution  Arithmetic/Logic Instructions  Communicating With Other Devices

3 Computer Architecture  The central processing unit, or ____ is a main part of the computer  CPU consists of two parts:  Arithmetic/logic unit: performs data __________  Control unit: __________ the machine’s activities  CPU contains cells, or ________, for temporary storage of information  For the purpose of transferring bit patterns, a machine’s CPU and main memory are connected by a collection of wires called a ____

4 CPU and Main Memory

5 Stored Program Concept  Program (instructions) is stored in _______ instead of being built into the control unit as part of the machine  Adding values stored in memory

6 Machine Language (1/2)  CPUs are designed to recognize __________ encoded as bit patterns  This collection of instructions along with the encoding system is called the machine _________  An instruction expressed in this language is called a _________ instruction

7 Machine Language (2/2)  Two philosophies of CPU design:  CPU should be designed to execute a _______ set of machine instructions: leads to a ______ instruction set computer (_____)  CPU should have the ability to execute a ______ number of complex instructions: leads to a ________ instruction set computer (_____)  Machine instructions can be classified as:  Data transfer: LOAD, STORE, I/O instructions  Arithmetic/Logic: arithmetic/logic operations, SHIFT, ROTATE  Control: conditional or unconditional JUMP

8 An illustrative Machine Language (1/3)  The architecture of the machine for the discussion

9 An illustrative Machine Language (2/3)  The encoded version of a machine instruction consists of two parts:  _______ (short for operation code) field: indicates which of the elementary operations is requested by the instruction  ____________: provides more detailed information about the operation specified by the op-code  The entire machine language of the illustrative machine consists of only 12 basic instructions  Each of these instructions is encoded using a total of 16 bits, represented by ____ hexadecimal digits

10 An illustrative Machine Language (3/3)

11 Decoding the Instruction 35A7

12 An Encoded Version of the Instructions in Figure 2.2

13 Program Execution (1/2)  A computer follows a program stored in its memory by copying the instructions from memory into the control unit as needed  The order in which the instructions are fetched from memory corresponds to the order in which they are stored in the memory unless otherwise specified by a ______ instruction

14 Program Execution (2/2)  Within the control unit are two special purpose registers:  The ______________ contains the address of the next instruction to be executed  The _________________ holds the instruction being executed  The control unit performs its job by continually repeating an algorithm through a three-step process known as the _____________

15 Machine Cycle

16 An Example of Program Execution (1/3)

17 An Example of Program Execution (2/3)

18 An Example of Program Execution (3/3)

19 Arithmetic/Logic Operations 100110101001101010011010 AND11001001OR11001001XOR11001001 _________________________ 100010001101101101010011 000011111111000011111111 AND10101010OR10101010XOR10101010 _________________________ 000010101111101001010101

20 Rotating to the Right

21 Communicating with Other Devices (1/5)  The main memory and CPU form the _____ of a computer  Communication between a computer and other devices is normally handled through an intermediary device known as a ________  From there the controller connects via ______ to peripheral devices

22 Communicating with Other Devices (2/5)  These controllers are often small _________ within themselves, each with its own memory circuitry and CPU that performs a program  A controller _______ messages and data back and forth between forms compatible with the internal characteristics of the computer and those of the peripheral device

23 Communicating with Other Devices (3/5)

24 Communicating with Other Devices (4/5)  The CPU is able to communicate with the _________ in the same manner that it communicates with main memory  I/O instructions _______ the various controllers by an _________ system similar to that of main memory  The set of addresses assigned to a controller are called a _____  An alternative is _________________ in which each controller is designed to respond to references to a unique set of main memory addresses

25 Communicating with Other Devices (5/5)

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