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Jose R. Linares Photonics Technology Department (PTD) Project Leaders: David A. Kozlowski, Steven M. Beck Controlling Coherent Lidar System with LabView.

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Presentation on theme: "Jose R. Linares Photonics Technology Department (PTD) Project Leaders: David A. Kozlowski, Steven M. Beck Controlling Coherent Lidar System with LabView."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jose R. Linares Photonics Technology Department (PTD) Project Leaders: David A. Kozlowski, Steven M. Beck Controlling Coherent Lidar System with LabView

2 Why Dust Devils? A dust devil on Mars photographed by the Spirit rover on Sol 486 (the 486th day of the Martian year). Credit: NASA Some Applications: - Surveillance -Remote Sensing -Tracking -Soft Rotating Targets -Dust Devils 2006 Dust Strom in Arizona 2007 Dust Devil in Eloy, Arizona 2008 Tornado Vortex in El Segundo, CA

3 ~ 700ft ~ 80ft Deployment site: Eloy,Az Date:May 30,2008

4 Coherent Lidar Methods Illuminating Solid moving Objects 2007 Deployment Velocity Range (Modulated by Vel.) FFT Time Domain STFT

5 Range with 37.5mm Resolution

6 x z y az 2 el 2 az 1 el 1 H1 H2 Azimuth Scan ∆X ∆X x z y el 2 az el 1 H1 H2 Elevation Scan Scanning Capability

7 Images captured by IR Credit: Advanced Scientific Concepts, Inc. Working On New Scanning Capability - Get absolute range distances from target up to 5km

8 Point of Contact: David A. Kozlowski

9 GPS Antenna IRIG-B Date/time stamp For Data & Video Camera#2 is co-borsighed with 1550nm Laser Camera#1 Video combiner IRIG-B date/time to Daq System IRIG-B Date/time stamp Video to DVR 05/08/2009 11:01:24 System Hardware

10 Program Overview Main Loop #1 -Int Stage (program and instruments) -Data Capture Stage -Data Save(binary) Stage -Move Pointer Stage -Update Polar Plot Stage -Scan option -Program Close Stage Queue is used to pass data from save stage to FFT Loop#2 Features - Scan Targets - Keeps track of the total # of captured data shots per day and per button activation - Polar plot gives us topographical pointer position - Only plots target on Google Earth if target return is greater then set filter value FFT Loop #2 -Performs FFT-based spectral measurements on target frequency response - Obtains peak frequency and calculates target distance(m) from pointer. -Calculates target latitude and longitude. - Saves calculated values as a.kml file G.E. Loop #3 -Opens.kml file -Plots calculated latitude and longitude on Google Earth target distance(m). -Also calculates target latitude and longitude

11 Program Front Panel

12 Program Block Diagram Main Loop #1 FFT Loop #2 Goggle Earth Loop #3

13 Coherent Lidar Methods 2007 Deployment Challenges: Relentless Heat, Pounding Sunshine, Dust, Bugs, Snakes and Wild Dogs

14 FY08, funding issues made us move from this platform to Choosing Vehicle Wanted This

15 Got This

16 Retrofitting Cargo Container Steve Beck Jose Linares Mike Williams David Kozlowski Some of the task performed during construction included - Welding - Electricity - Install Insulation - Cut holes -Install floor -Install wood panels

17 Coherent LIDAR Container

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