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Syntax The ordering of the words in a sentence according to their meaning in the sentence. The boy gives roses to the girl. The Subject The Verb The Direct.

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Presentation on theme: "Syntax The ordering of the words in a sentence according to their meaning in the sentence. The boy gives roses to the girl. The Subject The Verb The Direct."— Presentation transcript:

1 Syntax The ordering of the words in a sentence according to their meaning in the sentence. The boy gives roses to the girl. The Subject The Verb The Direct Object The Indirect Object

2 Syntax English can be strict, but… The boy gives the girl roses. The Subject The VerbThe Direct Object The Indirect Object

3 Syntax In Latin, syntax is not so strict, so a sentence could be written as… Poēta puellae magnās rosās dat. The Subject The Verb The Direct Object The Indirect Object This is probably the most popular order for the Latin sentence, but you must be ready for something…

4 Syntax such as this… M agnās rosās puellae poēta dat. The Subject The Verb The Direct Object The Indirect Object

5 Syntax And this… Puellae poēta dat magnās rosās. The Subject The Verb The Direct Object The Indirect Object

6 Syntax You could probably get away with this… D at poēta magnās rosās puellae. The Subject The Verb The Direct Object The Indirect Object

7 Syntax This is why you must memorize the cases and their use in the sentence to know what the Latin says!

8 So, you have to… 1. Read the sentence completely before starting to translate. 2. Find the verb. 3. Find a stated subject (sometimes in verb only) 4. Figure out the part of speech of the other words and decide what they might modify… 5. Define the words and translate.

9 Deciphering the Sentence Fortūnam et vītam antīquae patriae saepe laudās sed recūsās Find the Verb Does it have a Subject expressed? What part of speech are the other words and what do they modify? NO

10 Deciphering the Sentence Obdūrō, mea puella – sed sine tē nōn valeō Find the Verb Does it have a Subject expressed? What part of speech are the other words and what do they modify? NO

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