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ELiberatica is an IT conference that will demonstrate the advantages of adopting, using and developing Open Source and Free Software solutions. Добре Дошли.

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Presentation on theme: "ELiberatica is an IT conference that will demonstrate the advantages of adopting, using and developing Open Source and Free Software solutions. Добре Дошли."— Presentation transcript:

1 eLiberatica is an IT conference that will demonstrate the advantages of adopting, using and developing Open Source and Free Software solutions. Добре Дошли Welcome Bine ati venit 3 min. of Freedom By Bogomil “Bogo” Shopov

2 eLiberatica is an IT conference that will demonstrate the advantages of adopting, using and developing Open Source and Free Software solutions. Objectives Creating a bridge between the OS/FS (Open Source / Free Software) movement and the existing Romanian IT community Describing major trends in OS/FS and explaining the types of licenses used in this domain

3 eLiberatica is an IT conference that will demonstrate the advantages of adopting, using and developing Open Source and Free Software solutions. Objectives Showcasing business models based on these technologies and the opportunities for using them in both the public and private sectors; Creating an OS/FS community in Romania that is connected to the global movement.

4 eLiberatica is an IT conference that will demonstrate the advantages of adopting, using and developing Open Source and Free Software solutions. Creating a FLOSS movement in Romania is the initiative of a group of Romanian computer professionals, living within the country and abroad, supported by FLOSS domain experts from North America. Initiative

5 eLiberatica is an IT conference that will demonstrate the advantages of adopting, using and developing Open Source and Free Software solutions. When&Where Brasov, Romania May 2007

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