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Lipids. Lipids are composed of: Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen BUT: Lipid molecules have a larger number of Carbon and Hydrogen and a smaller number of Oxygen.

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Presentation on theme: "Lipids. Lipids are composed of: Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen BUT: Lipid molecules have a larger number of Carbon and Hydrogen and a smaller number of Oxygen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lipids

2 Lipids are composed of: Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen BUT: Lipid molecules have a larger number of Carbon and Hydrogen and a smaller number of Oxygen than Carbohydrates “CHO”

3 Lipid Functions Lipid molecules provide a barrier b/t a cell and its watery environment

4 Lipid Functions Insulation of whales and walruses

5 Lipid Functions Skin oils help repel water from feathers of ducks

6 Lipid Functions Waxy layer of plants, keeps water in

7 Fatty Acids Lipids are composed of building blocks or MONOMERS called Fatty Acids. Yellow Pink/Red

8 Fatty Acids Carboxyl end (-COOH) –polar –Hydrophilic: “water loving” –Hydrocarbon end (CH 3 ) Non-polar Hydrophobic: “Water fearing” WATER

9 Arrangement of FA in Cell

10 Functions of Lipids Store Energy!! Fats have more H bonds than Carbs and can store more energy.



13 Kinds of LIPIDS 1.Triglycerides 2.Waxes 3.Steroids 4.phospholipids

14 Triglycerides Composed of: 1.1 glycerol molecule 2.3 molecules of fatty acids

15 TWO categories of triglycerides 1.Saturated 2.unsaturated

16 Waxes Plant waxes –Forms protective coating on outer surface Earwax –Prevents bacteria from entering middle ear

17 Steroids Composed of 4 carbon rings Found : –Hormones –Toad venom –Plant poisons –Chlorophyll –Cholesterol


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