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Chapter 5 review Political Parties. What are the basic functions of a political party? Nominate candidates and get them elected Inform and activate supporters.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 review Political Parties. What are the basic functions of a political party? Nominate candidates and get them elected Inform and activate supporters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 review Political Parties

2 What are the basic functions of a political party? Nominate candidates and get them elected Inform and activate supporters bonding agent govern watchdog

3 define Plurality-number of votes beyond next highest Bipartisan-supported by both parties Consensus-most agree on matters of fundamental importance

4 Why has America had a 2 party system? a.Historical Basis b.Tradition c.Electoral system

5 What were the first parties in American History? Federalist and anti-federalist

6 Why is the era from 1968 to today known as the area of Divided Government? It was divided where no party had control of all phases of the government

7 What are the four types of third parties? a.Ideological b.single issue c.economic protests d.splinter

8 What are the 5 basic elements of the national Parties. 1.National Convention 2.National Committee 3.National Chairperson 4.Congressional campaign committee for house 5. Congressional campaign committee for senate

9 Ward- city district for council election Precinct-smallest unit of election where you vote

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