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Cosmo-Climatology Cosmic rays, Clouds, and Climate

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1 Cosmo-Climatology Cosmic rays, Clouds, and Climate
Henrik Svensmark, Center for Sun Climate Research Space- DTU

2 Cosmic Rays and Climate
CLOUDS COSMIC RAYS CLIMATE Star formation Super Novas Supported by empirical, observational, and experimental evidence Variations in Cosmic Ray Flux Cause Variations in Earths Climate.

3 Heliosphere, Cosmic Rays and Solar Activity
What are Cosmic Rays? Heliosphere, Cosmic Rays and Solar Activity

4 Cosmic ray shower (Movie)
About 70 muons/s /m2 at the Earths surface In 24 hours about 12 million muons goes through a human body

5 Cosmic rays and climate over the last 10.000 years
Bond et al, Science 294, 2001 According to icecores CO2 levels has been constant ~280 ppm Last 1000 years Little Ice Age • Little Ice Age is merely the most recent of a dozen such events during the last years Adapted from Kirkby

6 Cosmic rays and climate over the last millennium
”Since everybody thought that the continous crop faliure was caused by witches from devilish hate, the whole contry stood up for their eradication” Johann Linden Travis ca. 1590 Low Cosmic ray flux Warmer Climate High Cosmic ray flux Colder Climate Adapted from Kirkby

7 How can STARS influence Climate?
Net effect of clouds is to cool the Earth by about 30 W/m2

8 Link between Low Cloud Cover and Galactic Cosmic Rays?
ISCCP IR Low cloud data Calibration? Svensmark & Friis-Christensen, JASTP 1997, Svensmark, PRL 1998, Marsh & Svensmark, PRL, (update 2005)

9 Cosmic Rays and 1960 -2008 tropospheric temperatures
Average temperature between 0-10 km STEP!

10 Using the oceans as a calorimeter to quantify the solar radiative forcing
Nir J. Shaviv JGR 2009

11 Aerosol formation and growth
Possible link between clouds and cosmic rays CN (Condensation Nuclei) Cloud Drop H2SO4 & Water Organic Vapors UCN (Ultra Fine Condensation Nuclei) CCN (Cloud Condensation Nuclei) Size 0.001 mm 0.01 mm 0.1 mm 10 mm Nucleation process has been a mystery

12 Aerosol formation and growth
Cosmic Ray Ionization & Aerosol formation and growth + CN (Condensation Nuclei) Cloud Drop H2SO4 & Water Vapors - UCN (Ultra Fine Condensation Nuclei) CCN (Cloud Condensation Nuclei) Size 0.001 mm 0.01 mm 0.1 mm 10 mm What is the importance of IONS ?

13 SKY experiment 2002 - 2006 SO2 O3 H2O Atmospheric conditions!
Gamma source Gamma source Muon detector Radon detector SO2 O3 H2O

14 Steady state experiment
q (cm-3 s-1) H2SO4 concentration ~ 2*108 (cm-3) O3 ~ 25 ppb SO2 ~ 300 ppt RH ~ 35% Svensmark et al. Proc. R. Soc. A (2007) 463, 385–396

15 Coronal Mass Ejections Natural experiments for testing the GCR-atmosphere link

16 AERONET, SSM/I, MODIS and ISCCP data for 5 strongest Forbush decreases
Aerosols Clouds

17 Cosmic Rays and Climate
~10% ~100% Cosmic Rays and Climate CLOUDS COSMIC RAYS CLIMATE Star formation Super Novas Supported by empirical, observational, and experimental evidence Variations in Cosmic Ray Flux Cause Variations in Earths Climate.

18 SN variations and Earths Climate
Svensmark 2008

19 Conclusion Particles from space (Cosmic Rays) influence Earths climate, ranging from days to 109 years. The empirical evidence is large and strong Part of a physical mechanism has been demonstrated experimentally Involving ions and aerosol formation Linking to clouds and thereby the energy budget of the Earth Clouds are forcing the Earths climate rather than being a passive component. Understanding the cosmic ray climate link is necessary if we want to understand natural climate changes. The evolution of the Milky Way and the Earth is linked


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