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THIS IS SPARTA!!! AND ATHENS TOO!!. Important Vocab Terms !!!!! (HINT HINT)  Polis  Agora  Acropolis  Monarchy  Oligarchy  Phalanx  Helots.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS SPARTA!!! AND ATHENS TOO!!. Important Vocab Terms !!!!! (HINT HINT)  Polis  Agora  Acropolis  Monarchy  Oligarchy  Phalanx  Helots."— Presentation transcript:


2 Important Vocab Terms !!!!! (HINT HINT)  Polis  Agora  Acropolis  Monarchy  Oligarchy  Phalanx  Helots

3 Sparta (military first)  Conquered locally (Messenia – 725 BC)  Sparta demanded half of the yearly crop  Government  Assembly of Representatives  Council of Elders  Proposed bills for Assembly

4 Spartan Education  MEN: Everything centered around military training  At age 7, they left home and entered army barracks  Marched without shoes, slept on rock benches, ate little food  WOMEN: ran, wrestled, and played sports, learned to put service to Sparta above even love of family  Managed the family estates while men were at war  Could not serve in military, but otherwise had more rights than other Greek women  Very little time spent on the arts

5 Athens (Free society)  Democracy  Only free men could participate (women, slaves, and foreigners could not)  Women were expected to stay home, raise the children, and run the household

6 Athenian Reforms  Athenian commoners demanded a written code of laws (621 BCE)  In 594 BCE, Solon reformed the code of laws  Outlawed debt slavery  Any person can bring charges against another  Instituted exports of grapes and olives  In 508 BCE, Cleisthenes created political reform by removing power from the nobles and creating the Council of Five Hundred (chosen by random)  While much closer to true democracy, only 1/5 of Athenians could participate

7 Marathon (490 BCE)  Athens sent troops to help a Greek Revolt in Ionia, Darius vows revenge  Persian fleet with 25,000 troops landed at Marathon to face 10,000 Greeks  6400 Persians dead, 192 Greeks  Pheidippides ran the 26 miles back to Athens, delivered the message then died

8 Thermopylae (480 BCE)  Greeks were badly divided, many either surrendered or fought on the Persian side  Thermopylae is a narrow mountain pass, Xerxes met by 300 Spartans and 7,000 Greeks  Fought for three days, on the last day, Spartans held the pass so the other Greeks could retreat  140 city-states united into the Delian League, drove Persia from Greece

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