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Bienvenidos Welcome!.  Learning another language is not easy, but most people can learn a second language IF they are willing to put in the necessary.

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Presentation on theme: "Bienvenidos Welcome!.  Learning another language is not easy, but most people can learn a second language IF they are willing to put in the necessary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bienvenidos Welcome!

2  Learning another language is not easy, but most people can learn a second language IF they are willing to put in the necessary time.

3 Practical suggestions  STUDY EVERY DAY! A foreign language course is different from any other course you take. Language learning is cumulative: you cannot put it off until the weekend.

4  DISTRIBUTE YOUR STUDY TIME in 15- to 30-minute periods throughout the day. Focus on a different task each time: vocabulary now, grammar next, etc.  Approximately 80% of your study time should be spent in recitation or practice.

5  ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN EVERY CLASS--even if you are not well prepared. Learn the grammar and vocabulary outside of class in order to make the most of class time.

6  MAKE YOURSELF COMFORTABLE IN THE CLASSROOM. Get to know your classmates, so you will feel you are among friends. Get to know your teacher.

7  Compare new grammatical structures in your foreign language to their English equivalents

8  PRACTICE FOR TESTS by doing what you will have to do on the test. 1.Over-learn: study beyond the point of recognition to mastery! 2.Create your own test questions.


10  GET HELP IF YOU NEED IT. I am available during Study Hall!

11  Train yourself through practice to notice and remember details such as accents and gender agreement.

12  Isolate new vocabulary and study it separately. DON'T write between the lines! Make flash cards using Print them out! Carry them with you and recite them several times during the day at odd moments. Overlearn them until they are automatic.

13  LISTENING and SPEAKING are performance skills. You may do well at these if you are naturally outgoing. Students in foreign language classes often have difficulty hearing and speaking because they are anxious about making mistakes. It's OK to make mistakes! Have fun trying to speak!

14  When called on in class, say something, even it it's wrong: you'll learn from it. If you need a moment to think, repeat the question. If you don't know the answer, say in your foreign language, "I don't know" or "help!"

15 RULES  Law #1 - RESPECT - Treat and speak to other students as well as the teacher with as much respect as you would like for yourself. Everyone is equal in this class. Everyone deserves respect.

16  Law #2 -EATING - Do not eat in the classroom. This law applies to chewing gum. It gets in the way of correct pronunciation!!!

17  Law #3 -SEATS - Be in your assigned seat before class begins. If you are not in your seat, you will be marked late and have to make up time after school

18  Law #4 -PARTICIPATE - Participation is10% of your grade. This means that you should display a positive manner by paying attention, raising your hand, and being prepared for class with materials and homework

19  Law #5 -EFFORT - When you show that you are making an effort to participate in a positive manner to the class, your grade will reflect this effort.

20  Law #6 -CONDUCT - Do not cause any actions which would be considered misconduct such as talking out of turn, not paying attention, or distracting others. We want positive conduct in our classroom. It makes for a much nicer learning environment.

21  Law #7 -TOOLS - Tools refers to materials. Be prepared with pencils, pens, paper, homework, book, etc... on your desk at the beginning of the period. You will NOT be permitted to go to your lockers once class has started. The less time wasted in class will benefit you.

22 Grading Policy: Marking period grades will be determined as follows: Homework.................……….......20 percent Participation............................... 10 percent Quiz / Tests / Projects............... 70 percent

23 Notebook and Folder  I require that you keep a notebook and a folder just for Spanish. Should you take notes...YES. If I write something on the board, overhead, or SmartBoard write it in your notebook. This is important because most things in presentations or written on the board will show up on a quiz or test.

24 Phrases for Spanish Class English Spanish Can I go to the bathroom?¿Puedo ir al baño? Can I get a drink of water?¿Puedo ir a tomar agua? How do you say… in Spanish?¿Como se dice … en español? Open your booksAbre tu libro Close your booksCierra tu libro Is there homework?¿Hay tarea esta noche? PleasePor favor HelloHola Until tomorrowHasta mañana I hope you have a nice weekendEspero que tenga un buen fin de semana I hope you have a good dayEspero que tenga un buen día I need a piece of paper.Necesito una hoja de papel. I need a pencil.Necesito un lapiz.

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