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281-357-3230 EXT 1085.

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Presentation on theme: "281-357-3230 EXT 1085."— Presentation transcript:

1 281-357-3230 EXT 1085

2 Creative Writing and English I Assistant Basketball and Track Coach BA in English, minor in psychology from University of Houston.

3 Receive text message reminders without giving me your phone number! Creative Writing: Text @cwbills to the number 81010 English I: Text @eng1bills to the number 81010 Reminders of quizzes, homework, etc.

4 VOCABULARY Knowsys Level 9 Vocabulary Flashcards iPhone app through App Store Quizlet (free app) Or traditional box set of flashcards

5 HOME ACCESS CENTER (ONLINE GRADE BOOK) You can check this site for updates on your students grades in all classes. The web page has instructions for creating your login.

6 Tutoring : Mondays at 7:15AM Wednesdays at 7:15AM We can make arrangements for afternoon times.

7 GRADING POLICY Major Grades 70% Tests, Essays, Projects Late Work – 1 day late – 15 pt. deduction 2 days late – 30 pt. deduction 3 days late – Grade of zero

8 GRADING POLICY Daily Grades 30% Homework, Vocabulary, Quizzes, Warm-ups All daily assignments are due during a given class period, as assigned. Any incomplete work will be graded accordingly. Please note: This policy is per the district grading guidelines.

9 PSAT on October 14 th Each student signed up will received a practice booklet. $20 per exam

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