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I can locate and discuss the important details about various landforms found in the United States... 0 1 2 3 4 5.

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Presentation on theme: "I can locate and discuss the important details about various landforms found in the United States... 0 1 2 3 4 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 I can locate and discuss the important details about various landforms found in the United States...

2 Study guide How are lines of longitude different than lines of latitude? Using longitude and latitude, find the states on card 8. Compare and contrast the Rocky mountains and the Appalachian mountains. In a Venn diagram or a T chart compare the Coastal plains to the Interior plans. Describe 3 waterways of the US and give details of each. Explain the advantage and disadvantage of the St. Lawrence seaway.

3 Find your way through history !
Lines of North and South and 
divide the world into eastern and western 

4 Lines of Latitude. run east and west
Lines of east and west. They 
divide the Earth into northern hemisphere and 
southern hemisphere

5 The United States exists in the Northern and 
Western hemisphere


7 Social studies page 73

8 Find the states indicated by the following
1. 33 N W ________________________ 2. 45 N W ________________________ N W _______________________ N W ________________________ 5. 40 N W ________________________ n w _______________________


10 Info about US physical features
Rocky Mountains - Stretch from Mexico to Canada - Highest Mountains in US - 30 million years old - Found in Western United States Appalachian Mountains - Found in Eastern United States - 250 million years old - Shorter and more rounded than the Rockies because of weathering---wind,water,gravity and 
ice have broken them down




14 Quizlet Blendspace



17 Map Legend 
or Key---explains 
what the 

18 Ploppa Grove Cedar city Pine lakes Mt Sky
Ploppa Grove Cedar city Pine lakes Mt Sky.... put in order from 
greatest to least

19 Map scale--- tell you 

20 Halifax to Louisborg



23 Time lines...making sense of the "moments" in 
1620 Mayflower lands 1787 Constitution is written 1776 Declaration of Independence 1492 Columbus lands in America 1607 Jamestown is founded I am soooo confused!

24 Steps to making a time line
1. List all the dates or events in chronological order 2. Decide your book end dates that will encompass your events 3. Draw a line between your book end dates and 
then break that line into equal intervals 4. Place your events on the line in chronological order 5. Look over time line and make a title

25 Step 2... Book ends dates ....1450 and 1800
1492 Columbus lands in America 1607 Jamestown is founded step 1 1620 Mayflower lands 1776 Declaration of Independence 1787 Constitution is written Step 2... Book ends dates and 1800 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800

26 Events in the early history of North America
1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1492 Columbus 1787 
Constitution 1620 Mayflower 1607 Jamestown 1776 Declaration of 

27 Problems ?????







34 Bias...seeing things from a slanted point 
of view


36 http://www. historyonthenet. com/Sources/primary_or_secondary_source



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