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A Design of Survey about Recording Studios in College Marvelous Mavericks Marvelous Mavericks ( MM - GROUP 9)

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Presentation on theme: "A Design of Survey about Recording Studios in College Marvelous Mavericks Marvelous Mavericks ( MM - GROUP 9)"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Design of Survey about Recording Studios in College Marvelous Mavericks Marvelous Mavericks ( MM - GROUP 9)

2  Song Weijie, NWPU  You Rui, PKU  Ji Zhaohua, JLU  Chen Xuejiao, CAS  Guo Jing, BIT

3 Goals  Our project aims to collect information about college students’ passion about music in order to learn about their attitudes and feelings towards recording studio. Taking both the benefits of the potential customers and investors in consideration, we then could decide whether the studio investment would be profitable.

4 Subjects & Data  Subjects  The subjects involved in our study are 30 university students from several departments, including girls and boys.  Data  Customers’ needs: price, distance, effectiveness Investors’ needs: costs, profits, equipment, location

5  What kind of music do you prefer?

6  Then we went further by asking the students to what extent they know about recording studios and what their attitudes are.

7 Would you like to have a try in the studio if be given a chance?

8  The following part of the questionnaire focuses on what the students care and what troubles them when recording.

9 What is the difficulty of recording songs at the moment?  Note:  1.lack of confidence  2.lack of professional technique  3.high price  4.low interest  5.lack of the information about the studios

10 Acceptable Price VS Actual Costs

11 Location, Costs & Customers

12 Possible Conclusion : The data presented here permit the following points:  1.It seems that many students like music. Though most of them still lack knowledge of recording studios, given an opportunity they would like to try it.  2.The students pay more attention on the recording effect. At the same time, they hope it would worth the money.

13  3. Most of them record in studios to amuse themselves. However with help from studios they would also consider promoting the record.  4. The feedback says studios still hold great attraction to college students. They think it is new, sharp, and full of challenge.

14  5. To investors, choosing proper price and location could attract more students. Besides, they would become more competitive when offering promotion service.


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