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VOCABULARIO Unidad 5 Etapa 1 &2 Spanish II. Levantarse To get up Ducharse To take a shower REFLEXIVE VERBS: VERBOS REFLEXIVOS.

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Presentation on theme: "VOCABULARIO Unidad 5 Etapa 1 &2 Spanish II. Levantarse To get up Ducharse To take a shower REFLEXIVE VERBS: VERBOS REFLEXIVOS."— Presentation transcript:

1 VOCABULARIO Unidad 5 Etapa 1 &2 Spanish II

2 Levantarse To get up Ducharse To take a shower REFLEXIVE VERBS: VERBOS REFLEXIVOS

3 Afeitarse to shave Ponerse la ropa to get dressed

4 Bañarse to take a bath acostarse to go to bed

5 Lavarse To wash oneself Maquillarse To put on makeup

6 Peinarse el cabello To comb one’s hair Lavarse los dientes To brush one’s teeth

7 Hacer la cama To make the bed Dormirse To fall sleep LOS QUEHACERES- CHORES

8 Limpiar el cuarto To clean the room Barrer el piso To sweep the floor

9 Quitar el polvo To dust Pasar la aspiradora To vacuum

10 Lavar los platos To wash the dishes Planchar To iron

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