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Measures to address agricultural pressures Ministry for the Environment and Ministry of Agriculture Spain.

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Presentation on theme: "Measures to address agricultural pressures Ministry for the Environment and Ministry of Agriculture Spain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measures to address agricultural pressures Ministry for the Environment and Ministry of Agriculture Spain

2 DEMAND OF WATER SERVICES POLLUTION PROCESSES TECHNICAL EFFICIENCY Water uses (socio economic activities) SERVICES PRESSURES STATUS DIFFUSE POLLUTION HIDRO-MORFOL. Ind.. Physico chemical ind. BIOLÓGICAL ind. HIDROLÓGY IMPACTS Driving forces Measures to improve technical efficiency of water services (reduce leakages, drip irrigation) and optimise use of inputs (dosis of fertilisers, pesticides) Measures to improve demand of water services (pricing/better practices) and affecting directly water uses (crop changes; changes to ecological agr.) Measures to reduce impact of diffuse pollution (reduce leakage to water bodies) Measures affecting driving forces (CAP reform; liberalization of trade).

3 Measures affecting water uses and demand of water services Program Aberca for updating the register of water rights (concessions); And Review of existing concessions and land aquisition under articles 65 and 66 of the National Water Law Promotion of water banks (water exchange centers) in three river basins and extending to the whole Spain National and River Basin Drought Plans. Enforcement of National Water Law and regulation on the Hydraulic Public Domain Modification of the existing tariffs applied to raw water and application of tariff policy and reference water use of the existing water law CAP Cross compliance monitoring, Royal Decree 2352/2004, Regulation CE1782/2003

4 Morphology measures National Plan for river restauration 2007

5 Measures improving technical efficiency 2007 Royal Decree for wastewater reuse (draft) Technical improvements in River Basin Authorities for remote control and management of dams and transportation infrastructure 1993 National Irrigation Plan: Actions related to improvement of existing irrigation areas and 2006. Special plan for improving technical efficiency in Irrigation areas (also measures in the National Strategic Plan for Rural Development below) Training courses to farmers implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture. Training programs in coordination with the National Federation of Irrigation Associations Draft Royal Decree on metering (2007)

6 Measures to improve use of inputs and reduce impacts of diffuse pollution Application of Nitrates Directive: Declaration of Vulnerable Zones, Codes of Best Practices and programs of action. Royal Decree 261/1996 (also Farm advisory services and measures in the National Strategic Plan for Rural Development ) CAP Cross compliance monitoring, Royal Decree 2352/2004, Regulation CE1782/2003 National program of monitoring of use of pesticides Pilot action program for biodiversity conservation and Measures in Rural Development Program

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