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Product differentiation methods

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1 Product differentiation methods

2 Questionnaire When it comes to shampoo and body wash, which brands do you think of ? Why do you choose this brand? Will you choose a specific brand? If the price of the brand you often use goes up, will you choose another one? ……

3 Results Top three well-known brands:
Shampoo: 1.Rejoice 2. Head&Shoulders 3.VS Sassoon Body wash: 1. Johnson 2.Dove 3. Safeguard Top three peoples’ favorite brands: Shampoo: 1.Rejoice 2.VS Sassoon 3. Pantene Body wash: 1.Dove 2.Johnson 3.Safeguard Top three reasons why people choose the brand: Shampoo: 1.Popularity 2.Function 3.Public praise Body wash:1.Popularity 2.Public praise 3.Function

4 Charts Shampoo Brand awareness Brand loyalty

5 Charts Body wash Brand awareness Brand loyalty

6 Product differentiation
(1)Shampoo Rejoice—Elegant and supple(飘逸柔顺) Head&Shoulders—Dandruff(头屑去无踪,秀发更出众) VS Sassoon—Professional salon(专业美发)

7 Product differentiation
(2)Body wash Johnson—Health & Care(因爱而生) Dove—Beauty is natural(美是自然) Safeguard—Reduce bacterial growth(减少细菌滋生)

8 Product differentiation
Marketing mix Shampoo Product differentiation Product Price Promotion Place Rejoice hair conditioner, essence, family care ¥9.9~40 TV ads, famous stars, suit sales Supermarket, small store Head& Shoulders Men use, Hair conditioner ¥25~60 TV ads, famous stars Supermarket, online VS Sassoon Elastin(弹力素), essence, Conditioner ¥40~90 TV ads, foreigners Supermarket

9 Product differentiation
Marketing mix Body wash Product differentiation Product Price Promotion Place Johnson Consumer product, medical devices ¥15~40 Online ads, TV ads, Cute babies Supermarket, on line, small store Dove Hair care, men care, deodorant ¥25~50 TV ads, ordinary people Supermarket, online, small store Safeguard Soap, Hand Sanitizer (洗手液) ¥18~45 Soap: ¥5~10 TV ads, doctor, simple packaging

10 Thank you!

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