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 Approximately 40% of all couples that marry in the U.K will get divorced.  In 1931, less than 4,000 people got divorced.  In 2004 the number.

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7  Approximately 40% of all couples that marry in the U.K will get divorced.  In 1931, less than 4,000 people got divorced.  In 2004 the number of divorces reached their peak at 165,000  In 2009, the rate fell to 113,949

8  Figures for divorce have risen dramatically over the last century.  Although the general trend in numbers divorcing has been upwards, there have been several periods when the number has declined – the early 1920s, the 1950s, the 1990s and now most recently.  There has also been times when the figure has risen rapidly – usually during or after wartime, or following changes in the law. (1916-1920 numbers trebled, 1936- 40 numbers doubled, 1941-50 numbers increased 5 fold, 1969-1972 numbers doubled)  The number of couples getting divorced has fallen for 6 years in a row from a high in 2004.  The average age for divorce increased very slightly for both men and women, to 44 and 41.5 respectively in 2009.

9 1.Legal changes 2.Impact of feminism 3.The Welfare State 4.Changing Social Attitudes 5.Secularisation 6.Rising expectations of marriage 7.Increased life expectancy

10  Prior to 1857 – divorce only available through private act of parliament. Very costly, upper class only.  1857 – new divorce court. Double standard for men and women.  From 1897 – separation orders available for the working class.  1923 – Women placed on equal footing with men, adultery only to be proved.  1937 – Other grounds included, desertion, cruelty and unsound mind.  1949-50 – Legal Aid Act gave assistance to those who couldn’t afford to go to court.  1970 – Divorce Reform act – No longer had to be a guilty party.  1985 – The Matrimonial & Family Proceedings Act: time limit for divorce reduced from 3 to 1 year.  1996 – Family Law Act required a ‘period of reflection’ of 18 months and compulsory marriage counselling sessions

11  About three quarters of divorce petitions are from women.  Women have become more independent due to greater equality in the workforce.  Women are less financially and emotionally dependent on men.

12  State benefits help divorced women – especially those with children  For example: Jobcentre Plus can help with childcare costs as long as you place your child with a registered childcare provider and you are doing something connected with your chosen career.

13  Divorce has lost its stigma partly because there is so much of it.  In the past, divorce was rare and seen as scandalous.

14  Secularisation is the decline of the influence of religion in society.  People are less likely to be influenced by religious teachings when considering divorce.

15  Functionalists argue that people find the reality of marriage disappointing.  In the past, people would often marry for economic reasons, today most people marry ‘for love’ and happiness.

16  If you marry in your late twenties you can expect to live for another 50 years.  This may mean people are more prepared for divorce if they fall out of love.  In the past they may have been prepared to stay in a loveless marriage as they would have fewer years to spend together.

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