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Character Development Mr. Authier ENG 9. Why is this important? Authors tell their stories through characters. We feel connections to characters (love,

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Presentation on theme: "Character Development Mr. Authier ENG 9. Why is this important? Authors tell their stories through characters. We feel connections to characters (love,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Character Development Mr. Authier ENG 9

2 Why is this important? Authors tell their stories through characters. We feel connections to characters (love, hate, laughter). Building characters is vital to any story. How will they make the “good guy” likeable and the “bad guy” easy to hate?

3 We get to know a character through their: Actions Dialogue Reactions to other characters Thoughts Habits Possessions Physical Description Background Information These are “Character Development Tools”

4 Actions What does the character do in the story? How do they act? What can you assume about these characters? “He ran to her with his arms stretched open.” “She spent every morning crying in bed until her alarm clock went off.”

5 Dialogue What does the character say? How do the say it? What can you assume about these characters? “Grilled cheese again?” she groaned at her mother. He screamed, “Let’s do it,” at the top of his lungs.

6 Reactions to other characters How do they respond to others in the story? What can you assume about these characters? “She couldn’t help but smile every time he walked into the room.” “As his father scolded him, all he could do was roll his eyes.”

7 Thoughts What does the author reveal to the reader about what the character is thinking? What can you assume about these characters? “As her boss rambled on, she daydreamed of owning her own business.” The rain made her remember her days in Seattle and how long ago it seemed.”

8 Habits What hobbies or habits does the character have? What can you assume about these characters? “She was a compulsive liar who couldn’t tell the truth even when she wanted to.” “Every time Steven laughed, he snorted uncontrollably.”

9 Possessions What “things” does the character have? What do these possessions tell us about them? What can you assume about these characters? “He had a different Italian suit for every day of the week.” “Susan carefully counted her last several pennies.”

10 Physical Description What does the character look like? What judgments do we make about the way people look? What can you assume about these characters? “The flies flocked to his dirty, matted black hair.” “She had silky skin that shone in the sunlight.”

11 Background Information Where does the character come from? What were they doing before we met them? What can you assume about these characters? “Before he came to Gaylord, he fought in the army during WWII.” “His years of traveling gave him the experience he needed.”

12 Review Character Development Tools Actions Dialogue Reactions Thoughts Habits Possessions Physical Description Background Information

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