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Semantic Web for the Military User May 7-8, 2003 Preparing the Military for the Revolution of the Semantic Web Preparing the Military for the Revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Semantic Web for the Military User May 7-8, 2003 Preparing the Military for the Revolution of the Semantic Web Preparing the Military for the Revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semantic Web for the Military User May 7-8, 2003 Preparing the Military for the Revolution of the Semantic Web Preparing the Military for the Revolution of the Semantic Web Murray Burke DAML Program Manager (703) 696-2303,

2 Semantic Web - Outline What’s it all about?  What are the DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML) and Ontology Web Language (OWL)?  Theme for this meeting: Preparing the Military for the Revolution of the Semantic Web  Some Selected Examples of Semantic Web adoptions in the Military  What you will see in the next couple days

3 DAML and OWL The DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML) Program  Enabling “agent” communication at a Web- wide scale  Semantic language that ties information on a page to machine readable semantics ( ontology ) W3C, including Tim Berners- Lee: Enthusiastic Partners  About to release Ontology Web Language (OWL)  Based on DAML-OIL (Ontology Inference Layer), International Partnership Get Weather Info Determine Force Mix Provide Intelligence Update Coordinate Transportation Select Targets Order Supplies

4 DAML Concept C2I is Moving to Web Technology Current Web Technology Not Machine Processable Need the Semantic Web - Machine readability with very rich semantics to support agents for:  Intelligence Analysis and Production  Military Planning and Operations  Software C4ISR Agents  Sensor Fusion DAML is building the language and tools to realize the bold vision of the Semantic Web  Language to describe information  Tools for users and developers  Transition activities  Experimentation/Metrics What is Al Qaeda? q Membership q Locations q Structure q Finances q Tactics q Other terrorist organizations A terrorist organization Would you like additional information on? 39,800 Matches on 6 March 2002 What is Al Qaeda?

5 DAML Relationships Semantic Web Res. (EU) W3C DAML RDF XML RDF-S DAML-ONT DAML-LOGIC US/EU Joint Efforts (S. Decker, Coord) Horus Research efforts: DAML-OIL EC OntoWeb Intl Workshops Tools Lang Spec Demos Ctr for Army Lessons Learned EU W3C Members/directors (Dan Brickley, coord) Foreign Clearance Guidance NOTAMSJBI/EBO DARPA/DoD Developed n Internet - Yes n Web - No n XML – No n Semantic Web - Yes

6 DAML Functional Representation XML HTML DAML HTML Facility Ontology Threat Ontology Geo-Spatial Ontology Web Server Data Web Pages + Data Targets (Installations)Threat OrgsIntelligence ReptsGet a map/Get an image DAML Inference Sensor Ontology

7 DAML Achievements What we have done so far  W3C in final stages of ontology language approval (OWL)  Query and Rules languages under review  Joint DARPA-EU Language Committeee  DARPA-EU Web Services Initiative  Dozens of DAML ontologies and tools created  Significant military and INTEL applications being explored (Horus and SONAT) DAML Web Site > 10 Million Hits!

8 Ontology Logic Proof Trust DARPA Agent Markup Language Formal Semantic Underpinnings  Model-Based  Axiom-Based Ontologies  Query Language  Spatial-Temporal  Domain Ontologies Rules  Services  Security Proof Trust Ontologies  Query Language  Spatial-Temporal  Domain Ontologies Rules  Services  Security Proof Trust W3C Standardization DAML Language Strategy

9 Semantic Web for the Military User (SWMU) Meeting 2003, May 7 & 8 Theme: “Prepare the military for the revolution of the Semantic Web”  Exposition of the DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML) program  Emphasis on tools and technologies ready to use in Pilot or Acquisition programs Recommendation  Establish pilot program using Semantic Web technologies or tools  Portals  Knowledge management  Database integration Target Audience(s)  Military technical managers, with influence over the intro of technology into the military services.  Senior level and more detailed technical level managers or implementers.

10 SWMU Agenda May 7 1700-1900 Cocktails and Light Refreshments Selected Early Adopter Demonstrations  Coalition Search and Rescue  Horus (Intelink Management Office)  Semantic Operational Net Assessment (SONAT)  AMC/Foreign Clearance Guidance and Notice  AMC/Airmen and Mariners (Airborne Mobility Command)  MINDSWAP Tools  Geotopics in DAML  Semantic Web Database Scalability  Semantic Search Additional demonstrations may be arranged FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

11 SWMU Agenda May 8 Detailed DAML Tutorials  A: Ontologies 0800-0930, 1300-1430  B: Tools 0800-0930, 1300-1430  C: Services1000-1130, 1500-1630  D: Language1000-1130, 1500-1630

12 SWMU Meeting - Admin Remarks Main meeting room and Tutorials Lunch (both days) Demo Room

13 SWMU Meeting - Admin Remarks Wireless LAN  Capabilities  Internet  Chat/discussion (logged)  File transfer  DAML IRC  server:  password: isoxml  room: daml  If you have further questions see Cola Atkinson (here at the conference) or email him at

14 SWMU Meeting - Admin Remarks Briefings will be available on DAML Web Site after the meeting  Adopter Presentation Questions – please defer to demos this evening if possible Demos on Thursday by Request  In parallel with Tutorials

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