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Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 1 Computer Architecture Virtual Memory Dr. Lihu Rappoport.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 1 Computer Architecture Virtual Memory Dr. Lihu Rappoport."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 1 Computer Architecture Virtual Memory Dr. Lihu Rappoport

2 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 2 Virtual Memory  Provides the illusion of a large memory  Different machines have different amount of physical memory –Allows programs to run regardless of actual physical memory size  The amount of memory consumed by each process is dynamic –Allow adding memory as needed  Many processes can run on a single machine –Provide each process its own memory space –Prevents a process from accessing the memory of other processes running on the same machine –Allows the sum of memory spaces of all process to be larger than physical memory  Basic terminology –Virtual Address Space: address space used by the programmer –Physical Address: actual physical memory address space

3 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 3 Virtual Memory: Basic Idea  Divide memory (virtual and physical) into fixed size blocks –Pages in Virtual space, Frames in Physical space –Page size = Frame size –Page size is a power of 2: page size = 2 k  All pages in the virtual address space are contiguous  Pages can be mapped into physical Frames in any order  Some of the pages are in main memory (DRAM), some of the pages are on disk  All programs are written using Virtual Memory Address Space  The hardware does on-the-fly translation between virtual and physical address spaces –Use a Page Table to translate between Virtual and Physical addresses

4 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 4  Main memory can act as a cache for the secondary storage (disk)  Advantages: –illusion of having more physical memory –program relocation –protection Virtual Memory Virtual Addresses Physical Addresses Address Translation Disk Addresses

5 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 5 Virtual to Physical Address translation 31 Page offset 0 11 Virtual Page Number Page offset 11 0 Physical Frame Number 29 Virtual Address Physical Address VDFrame number 1 Page table base reg 0 Valid bit Dirty bit 12 AC Access Control 12 Page size: 2 12 byte =4K byte

6 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 6 Page Tables Valid 1 Physical Memory Disk Page Table Physical Page Or Disk Address 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Virtual page number

7 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 7 If V = 1 then page is in main memory at frame address stored in table  Fetch data else (page fault) need to fetch page from disk  causes a trap, usually accompanied by a context switch: current process suspended while page is fetched from disk Access Control (R = Read-only, R/W = read/write, X = execute only) If kind of access not compatible with specified access rights then protection_violation_fault  causes trap to hardware, or software fault handler  Missing item fetched from secondary memory only on the occurrence of a fault  demand load policy Address Mapping Algorithm

8 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 8 Page Replacement Algorithm  Not Recently Used (NRU) –Associated with each page is a reference flag such that ref flag = 1 if the page has been referenced in recent past  If replacement is needed, choose any page frame such that its reference bit is 0. –This is a page that has not been referenced in the recent past  Clock implementation of NRU: While (PT[LRP].NRU) { PT[LRP].NRU LRP++ (mod table size) } 1 0 0 0 page table entry Ref bit 1 0  Possible optimization: search for a page that is both not recently referenced AND not dirty

9 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 9 Page Faults  Page faults: the data is not in memory  retrieve it from disk –The CPU must detect situation –The CPU cannot remedy the situation (has no knowledge of the disk) – CPU must trap to the operating system so that it can remedy the situation –Pick a page to discard (possibly writing it to disk) –Load the page in from disk –Update the page table –Resume to program so HW will retry and succeed!  Page fault incurs a huge miss penalty –Pages should be fairly large (e.g., 4KB) –Can handle the faults in software instead of hardware –Page fault causes a context switch –Using write-through is too expensive so we use write-back

10 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 10 Optimal Page Size  Minimize wasted storage –Small page minimizes internal fragmentation –Small page increase size of page table  Minimize transfer time –Large pages (multiple disk sectors) amortize access cost –Sometimes transfer unnecessary info –Sometimes prefetch useful data –Sometimes discards useless data early  General trend toward larger pages because –Big cheap RAM –Increasing memory / disk performance gap –Larger address spaces

11 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 11 Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB)  Page table resides in memory  each translation requires a memory access  TLB –Cache recently used PTEs –speed up translation –typically 128 to 256 entries –usually 4 to 8 way associative –TLB access time is comparable to L1 cache access time Yes No TLB Hit ? Access Page Table Virtual Address Physical Addresses TLB Access

12 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 12 TLB is a cache for recent address translations: Making Address Translation Fast

13 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 13 TLB Access TagSet Offset Set# Hit/Miss Way MUX PTE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 = = = = Way 0 Way 1 Way 2 Way 3 Way 0 Way 1 Way 2 Way 3 Virtual page number

14 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 14 Virtual Memory And Cache Yes No TLB Access TLB Hit ? Access Page Table Access Cache Virtual Address Cache Hit ? Yes No Access Memory Physical Addresses Data TLB access is serial with cache access

15 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 15 More On Page Swap-out  DMA copies the page to the disk controller –Reads each byte:  Executes snoop-invalidate for each byte in the cache (both L1 and L2)  If the byte resides in the cache: if it is modified reads its line from the cache into memory invalidates the line –Writes the byte to the disk controller –This means that when a page is swapped-out of memory  All data in the caches which belongs to that page is invalidated  The page in the disk is up-to-date  The TLB is snooped –If the TLB hits for the swapped-out page, TLB entry is invalidated  In the page table –The valid bit in the PTE entry of the swapped-out pages set to 0 –All the rest of the bits in the PTE entry may be used by the operating system for keeping the location of the page in the disk

16 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 16 Overlapped TLB & Cache Access #Set is not contained within the Page Offset  The #Set is not known until the physical page number is known  Cache can be accessed only after address translation done Virtual Memory view of a Physical Address Cache view of a Physical Address 0 Page offset 11 Page Number 1229 0 disp 13 tag 14295 set 6

17 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 17 Overlapped TLB & Cache Access (cont) In the above example #Set is contained within the Page Offset  The #Set is known immediately  Cache can be accessed in parallel with address translation  Once translation is done, match upper bits with tags Limitation: Cache ≤ (page size × associativity) Virtual Memory view of a Physical Address Cache view of a Physical Address 0 Page offset 11 Page Number 1229 0 5 disptagset 6 1112

18 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 18 Overlapped TLB & Cache Access (cont)  Assume 4K byte per page  bits [11:0] are not translated  Assume cache is 32K Byte, 2 way set-associative, 64 byte/line –(2 15 / 2 ways) / (2 6 bytes/line) = 2 15-1-6 = 2 8 = 256 sets  Physical_addr[13:12] may be different than virtual_addr[13:12] –Tag is comprised of bits [31:12] of the physical address  The tag may mis-match bits [13:12] of the physical address –Cache miss  allocate missing line according to its virtual set address and physical tag 0 Page offset 11 Page Number 1229 0 disp 13 tag 14205 set 6

19 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 19 Context Switch  Each process has its own address space –Each process has its own page table –When the OS allocates to each process frames in physical memory, and updates the page table of each process –A process cannot access physical memory allocated to another process  Unless the OS deliberately allocates the same physical frame to 2 processes (for memory sharing)  On a context switch –Save the current architectural state to memory  Architectural registers  Register that holds the page table base address in memory –Flush the TLB –Load the new architectural state from memory  Architectural registers  Register that holds the page table base address in memory

20 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 20 VM in VAX: Address Format Page size: 2 9 byte = 512 bytes 31 Page offset 08 Virtual Page Number Virtual Address 9 30 29 0 0 - P0 process space (code and data) 0 1 - P1 process space (stack) 1 0 - S0 system space 1 1 - S1 Page offset 80 Physical Frame Number 29 Physical Address 9

21 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 21 VM in VAX: Virtual Address Spaces Process 0 Process 1 Process 2 Process 3 P 0 process code & global vars grow upward P 1 process stack & local vars grow downward S 0 system space grows upward, generally static 0 7FFFFFFF 80000000

22 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 22 Page Table Entry (PTE) V PROT M Z OWN S S 0 Physical Frame Number 31 20 Valid bit =1 if page mapped to main memory, otherwise page fault: Page on the disk swap area Address indicates the page location on the disk 4 Protection bits Modified bit 3 ownership bits Indicate if the line was cleaned (zero)

23 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 23 System Space Address Translation 00 10 Page offset 80 29 9 VPN SBR (System page table base physical address) + VPN 0 PTE physical address = 00 PFN (from PTE) Page offset 80 29 9 PFN Get PTE

24 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 24 System Space Address Translation SBR VPN*4 PFN 10 offset 8029 9 VPN offset 8029 9 PFN 31

25 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 25 P0 Space Address Translation 00 Page offset 80 29 9 VPN P0BR (P0 page table base virtual address) + VPN 0 PTE S0 space virtual address = 00 PFN (from PTE) Page offset 80 29 9 PFN Get PTE using system space translation algorithm

26 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 26 P0 Space Address Translation (cont) SBR P0BR+VPN*4 Offset’ 8029 9 PFN’ 00 offset 8029 9 VPN 31 10 Offset’ 8029 9 VPN’ 31 PFN’ VPN’*4 Physical addr of PTE PFN Offset 8029 9 PFN

27 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 27 P0 space Address translation Using TLB Yes No Process TLB Access Process TLB hit? 00 VPN offset No System TLB hit? Yes Get PTE of req page from the proc. TLB Calculate PTE virtual addr (in S0): P0BR+4*VPN System TLB Access Get PTE from system TLB Get PTE of req page from the process Page table Access Sys Page Table in SBR+4*VPN(PTE) Memory Access Calculate physical address PFN Access Memory

28 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 28 Paging in x86  2-level hierarchical mapping –Page directory and page tables –All pages and page tables are 4K  Linear address divided to: –Dir10 bits –Table10 bits –Offset12 bits –Dir/Table serves as index into a page table –Offset serves ptr into a data page  Page entry points to a page table or page  Performance issues: TLB 031 DIRTABLEOFFSET Page Table PG Tbl Entry Page Directory 4K Dir Entry 4K Page Frame Operand Linear Address Space (4K Page) 1121 CR3

29 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 29 x86 Page Translation Mechanism  CR3 points to current page directory (may be changed per process)  Usually, a page directory entry (covers 4MB) points to a page table that covers data of the same type/usage  Can allocate different physical for same Linear (e.g. 2 copies of same code)  Sharing can alias pages from diff. processes to same physical (e.g., OS) DIRTABLEOFFSET Page Dir Code Data StackOS Phys Mem 4K page CR3 Page Tables

30 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 30 x86 Page Entry Format  20 bit pointer to a 4K Aligned address  12 bits flags  Virtual memory –Present –Accessed, Dirt  Protection –Writable (R#/W) –User (U/S#) –2 levels/type only  Caching –Page WT –Page Cache Disabled  3 bit for OS usage Figure 11-14. Format of Page Directory and Page Table Entries for 4K Pages 0 00 Page Frame Address 31:12 AVAIL00A PCDPCD PWTPWT UWP Present Writable User Write-Through Cache Disable Accessed Page Size (0: 4 Kbyte) Available for OS Use Page Dir Entry 0412357 911 68 1231 Page Frame Address 31:12 AVAILDA PCDPCD PWTPWT UWP Present Writable User Write-Through Cache Disable Accessed Dirty Available for OS Use Page Table Entry 0412357911681231 Reserved by Intel for future use (should be zero) - -

31 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 31 x86 Paging – Virtual memory  A page can be –Not yet loaded –Loaded –On disk  A loaded page can be –Dirty –Clean  When a page is not loaded (P bit clear) => Page fault occurs –It may require throwing a loaded page to insert the new one  OS prioritize throwing by LRU and dirty/clean/avail bits  Dirty page should be written to Disk. Clean need not. –New page is either loaded from disk or “initialized” –CPU will set page “access” flag when accessed, “dirty” when written

32 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 32 Virtually-Addressed Cache  Cache uses virtual addresses (tags are virtual)  Only require address translation on cache miss –TLB not in path to cache hit  Aliasing: 2 different virtual addr. mapped to same physical addr –Two different cache entries holding data for the same physical address –Must update all cache entries with same physical address data Trans- lation Cache Main Memory VA hit PA CPU

33 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 33 Virtually-Addressed Cache (cont).  Cache must be flushed at task switch –Solution: include process ID (PID) in tag  How to share memory among processes –Permit multiple virtual pages to refer to same physical frame  Problem: incoherence if they point to different physical pages –Solution: require sufficiently many common virtual LSB –With direct mapped cache, guarantied that they all point to same physical page

34 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 34 Backup

35 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 35 Inverted Page Tables V.Page P. Frame hash Virtual Page = IBM System 38 (AS400) implements 64-bit addresses. 48 bits translated start of object contains a 12-bit tag => TLBs or virtually addressed caches are critical

36 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 36 Hardware / Software Boundary  What aspects of the Virtual → Physical Translation is determined in hardware?  TLB Format  Type of Page Table  Page Table Entry Format  Disk Placement  Paging Policy

37 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 37 Why virtual memory?  Generality –ability to run programs larger than size of physical memory  Storage management –allocation/deallocation of variable sized blocks is costly and leads to (external) fragmentation  Protection –regions of the address space can be R/O, Ex,...  Flexibility –portions of a program can be placed anywhere, without relocation  Storage efficiency –retain only most important portions of the program in memory  Concurrent I/O –execute other processes while loading/dumping page  Expandability –can leave room in virtual address space for objects to grow.  Performance

38 Computer Architecture 2008 – VM 38 Address Translation with a TLB virtual address virtual page number page offset physical address n–10p–1p validphysical page numbertag validtagdata = cache hit tagbyte offset index = TLB hit TLB Cache...

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