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INDEPENDENT STUDY ASSIGNMENTS Due December 1 Trimester 2 Week 1 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk.

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1 INDEPENDENT STUDY ASSIGNMENTS Due December 1 Trimester 2 Week 1 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk

2 Schedule---See Board! 8:15-8:30:Prepare Packets/Questions 8:30-9:30: Math 9:30-9:50: Feedback/Housekeeping 9:50-10:30: Science OR Social Studies 10:30-Restroom Break/Snack 10:40-11:30: Language Arts 11:30-12:00: Testing/Teacher- Student Conferencing 12:00-Parent Meetings 12:30-1:00-P.E. (Voluntary except Probs.) 1:00-Lunch 12-2-Probation Study Hall

3 Math Objectives:  Objectives this week….  Review of Ch. 4 Part A Objectives  Review Fractions (+,-,x,div.)  Review combining positive and negative numbers

4 8 th Grade I.S. Name:___________ T2 Week 1 Due: December 1 Total Work Completed=_______%  5 PE Credits Due March 1 (Or Research Paper)  ____PE Log  Grade______  TW________  NEW BOOK  ____ Green Chapter 4 Quiz Pg. 190  ____Green Ch. 5 Lesson 1. Do Questions Pg.226 only. Study for Ch. 5 Part A Quiz Retake  Grade__________  TW____________ P.E. Math

5 Eric Fernandez 8 th Grade Independent Study T___ Week ___ Due: __________ Total Work Completed=_______% ____5 PE Credits Due by March 1 OR Report  Grade______  TW________  BYU Online Education Course 51  ____  Grade__________  TW____________ P.E. Algebra

6 Thank You Letter PEER EDIT Share your letter -Your address -Their address -Greeting -Beginning -Middle -End -Salutation -SKIP 4 lines for hand signature -Typed signaturei

7 Fighting Ground Quiz  1.

8 Novel…”The Fighting Ground”  Story of the Revolutionary War  Pgs. 30-40  Learning of the Revolutionary War through literature…  Book Report Due before Christmas…

9 portfolio Add Standards

10 OLD Story…”An American Dream”  Test next week!

11 New Story…”An American Dream”  Test next week!

12 Planning a Persuasive Essay  Topic-Read Prompt Carefully!!!  1. Define the task  Audience  Purpose  Voice  2. Decide your position  Research (PE packet)  Pros/Cons  3. Brainstorm  4. Outline PacketsPlanning

13 Persuasive Essay Due Next Week  Planning Packet  Rough Draft  Counts as PE time!  If you do not have your 5 PE credits….this needs To be 5 paragraphs typed And 2 ½ pages long

14 Consumer Information Directions Warranty Readers Companion Pg. 334

15 Grammar  Pg. 676  Eric must do it’s homework!  What doesn’t agree?  Practice Grammar Lesson Pronoun AgreementMust Agree!

16 Language Arts  Objectives This Week:  Understand the key parts of a persuasive essay  Know how to use techniques to convince people of your opinions  Know how to write a business letter properly 

17 Language Arts T2 Week 1 Due December 1 Assignments:  _____Read Pgs. 50-60 of book…”The Fighting Ground. Write summary.  _____Daily Language Practice Week 7  _____Letter to Dr. Kalisek due typed. (Refer to letter writing in Writers Inc.)  Grade_____  TW______

18 Housekeeping   PE Field Trip Planning???  PE credits-5 by March 1  Portfolio Folders  Grade Work  Assignment Sheet  In folder  Headings  PE  Parent Sign  Date  Min….total?  Stamped Work  T1 Week 10  3%  11/03/09  Math  Science  LA  History

19 Expanding our nation Louisiana Purchase

20  Colonizing the U.S.  Northwest Territory  Pg. 223  Got from Great Britain  Color Map  Louisiana Purchase  Pg. 320  Focused us on westward expansion  Color Map Notes/Map

21 This week….War of 1812  United States and Britain  Fighting Again!!!  Who wins? US!!!  Cements us as an independent nation!

22 American History  Objectives This Week:  Review Ch. 9 and 10 Objectives  Understand how machines and factories changed the way people lived  Understand how the invention of the cotton gin brought about slavery

23 History-T2 Week 1 ASSIGNMENTS:  ______Read Ch. 11 Lesson 1. Take Notes.  ______ Review Questions 11.1  _____Ch. 9 and 10 Take Home Test  Grade_______  TW_________

24 The Atom  Cookie Guess!?  What element is this?

25 Periodic Table  Alkali-soft, silvery, reactive  Group 2 Metals-oxides (bond well with oxygen)  Halogens-reactive, often toxic  Noble Gases-do NOT form bonds  Transition Metals-Conduct heat well  1-1 st level (2)  2-2 nd level (8)  3- 3 rd level (8)  Atom Game Groups-Pg. 143Rows

26 Chapter Review Notes  How to read a periodic table  Element/ atomic number/mass number (Pg. 141)  Groups (Pg. 143…highlight)  Energy levels (orbitals)  Use your table to make notes

27 More notes  Appearance  Electricity/heat conductivity Properties

28 Science  Know how electrons bond  Know the different levels of electron orbitals  Know how atoms bond in order to form molecules of different substances Main Objectives This Week:

29 Science Physical Science

30 Spelling Rules  When a word ends with an e and the suffix begins with a consonant….do NOT drop the e  Example:  Time + ly = timely  When a word ends with an e and the suffix begins with a vowel…. DROP the e  Example:  Close + er = closer

31 Vocabulary-Pg. 99  Furtive  Pretext  Intimation  Judicious  Indulgent  emancipated  Vocabulary Matrix done next week….Due in 2 weeks

32 Testing/Student Teacher Conferencing  Tell Tale Heart  Teacher Edit of Travel Essay  Hand in work TestsConferencing

33 Grammar and Spelling  Selection Support Pg. 156  -sion  Incision  Passion  Sometime 1, sometimes 2 S’s  Next Week SpellingAdverb clauses

34 The Writing Process  I. Prewriting  II. Rough Draft  III. Revise  IV. You/Peer/Teacher Edit  Will go back to Revising after all 3 edits  V. Publish Final Steps:

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