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NM Wing Civil Air Patrol Joseph R. Perea, MD, Major, CAP Director of Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "NM Wing Civil Air Patrol Joseph R. Perea, MD, Major, CAP Director of Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 NM Wing Civil Air Patrol Joseph R. Perea, MD, Major, CAP Director of Safety

2  Factors which cause impairment of BRAIN function in some way  Increase risk OR CAUSE an accident or injury › Aircraft, vehicles, Cadets, Seniors  ENVIRONMENTAL  MEDICAL / PHYSICAL  LIFESTYLE / DIET

3  High Altitude Hypoxia (low oxygen)  SMOKING hypoxia  CARBON MONOXIDE




7  HIGH ALTITUDE HYPOXIA  Cloudy thinking and judgment  Not recognized by the pilot SOLUTION USE Oxygen at 12,500 ft MSL after 30 minutes Or lower Or sooner Oxygen for all night flights OR smokers Finger Pulse Oxymeter

8  CARBON MONOXIDE  Cloudy thinking and judgment, Headache, nausea  Not recognized by the pilot SOLUTION CO detector or card in every aircraft

9  SMOKER’S HYPOXIA  Cloudy thinking and judgment  Not recognized by the pilot SOLUTION Oxygen at 8,500? ft MSL after 30 minutes Or lower Or sooner Oxygen for all night flights OR smokers Finger Pulse Oxymeter


11  LOW BLOOD SUGAR › Coffee, donuts, bearclaws, sugared-up coffee › Pancakes and Syrup SOLUTION: Protein Egg white sandwich Peanut butter Turkey Chicken Steak

12  SLEEP APNEA › Stop breathing at night › Awakening up to 200 times a night › Daytime sleepiness causes accidents SOLUTION: Medical Evaluation – Sleep Study Wear your CPAP mask

13  HIGH BLOOD SUGAR AND DIABETES › Coffee, donuts, bearclaws, sugared up coffee › Pancakes and Syrup SOLUTION: Protein Egg white sandwich Peanut butter Turkey Chicken Steak

14  ADRENALIN › Faulty judgment › Loss of Focus › Pounding heartrate › Panic SOLUTION: Preparation Training Preparation Training Preparation

15  MEDICATIONS › Rx or OTC › Allergy, anti- depressants, sleeping pills, blood pressure › Mental Impairment / “goofy” causes accidents SOLUTION: Know your medication Side- Effects Only FAA approved meds for Aircrews. What about drivers?


17  CAFFEINE -- Not enough or Too much › Sleepiness › Tremor / shaking › Low blood sugar SOLUTION: Have your java Don’t have so much java

18  ALCOHOL › Impairment › Hangover / headache › Withdrawl / shakiness SOLUTION: 24 Hours from bottle to the throttle Need a drink to relax? You need help

19  SMOKING › Withdrawl, cigarette breaks disrupt work at hand › Low oxygen at higher elevations or altitudes SOLUTION: Don’t New Medications to help quit

20  LACK OF SLEEP  Going to bed late, fatigue  SLEEP APNEA  Daytime sleepiness causes accidents SOLUTION: Go to bed early! See your Doctor for a Sleep Study Duty Day Limitations

21  Factors which cause impairment of BRAIN function in some way  Increase risk OR CAUSE an accident or injury › Aircraft, vehicles, Cadets, Seniors  ENVIRONMENTAL  MEDICAL / PHYSICAL  LIFESTYLE / DIET


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