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Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) Flowchart #7

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Presentation on theme: "Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) Flowchart #7"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) Flowchart #7

2 Presented By Marc Wagner Tracy Li Clare Chung Denise Hintz
Sammy Bernal Warda Mian


4 Information to be captured by the system is input through online keying from the six separate departments of: Sales Production Planning Engineering Cost Accounting Inventory Factory Work Stations

5 The Information to be processed is composed of:
Forecasts & Orders Production Orders & Schedules Product Specifications Standard Costs & Overhead Rates Materials Requisitions Production Data

6 This information is processed through a computer system of online production information systems.

7 Simultaneously, the new information is entered & continually updated into the general ledger & stored online as manufacturing control specifications through a computer process.

8 At the same time a Computer Integrated Manufacturing Interface (CIM) is prepared from a computer process which produces instructions and schedules for the manufacturing process in which much of the manufacturing is performed and monitored by computerized equipment in part throughout the use of robotics and real time data collection on manufacturing activities.

9 The instructions & schedules is updated through the CIM interface as new information is input into the system.

10 The new information updates the production cycle database stored on magnetic disks consisting of:
Bill of Materials Operations List Master Production Schedule Inventory Production Orders Work in Progress

11 Database Magnetic Disks in this particular Production Cycle Database
are defined as 

12 A document that specifies
Bill of Materials A document that specifies Part # Description Quantity of Each Component used

13 also referred to as “routine sheet”, specifies
Operations List also referred to as “routine sheet”, specifies Labor Machine Requirements “How a product moves through the factory?” “What is done at each step?” “How much time each operation should take?”

14 Master Production Cycle
(MPS) “How much of each product is to be produced during the planning period?” “When that production should occur?”

15 “How much Inventory we have right now?”
“How much we need to order?” “When to order?” “What to order?”

16 Operations to be performed
Production Orders A document authorizing the manufacture of a specified quantity of a particular product of: Operations to be performed Quantity to be produced Location to be delivered to

17 Indicates product status of:
Work in Progress Indicates product status of: Complete, ready to be delivered to its final destination or Incomplete, in need of materials or equipment

18 Ultimately, the Production Cycle Database is accessed by:
Sales Production Planning Cost Accounting Factory Supervisors

19 Inquiry Processing System
The Production Cycle Database is made accessible by an: Inquiry Processing System Processing user information queries by searching master files for the desired information into an appropriate response

20 Initially provided by:
The Inquiry Processing System inquires information so new information regarding: Forecasts & Orders Production Orders & Schedules Product Specifications Standard Costs & Overhead Rates Materials Requisitions Production Data Initially provided by: Sales Production Planning Engineering Cost Accounting Inventory Factory Work Stations

21 Updates the following reports:
Production Status Reports Cost Analyses Performance Reports

22 This cycle continues till all the new information is input and updated into the database, so it can update reports which provide specific departments with the information they need.

23 Controls

24 Terminals & Data Entry Employees Control
Prevent data from being misplaced or mishandled by outsiders who may be able to enter the database Incorporate passwords Personal Identification Numbers (PIN)

25 Data Entry C0ntrols Field Check – Checks for the appropriate character type in a field Sign Check – Checks for the appropriate arithmetic sign Limit Check – Ensures a numerical value doesn’t exceed a predetermined value Range Check – Checks numerical values with lower & upper limits Size Check – Determine if data will fit in the assigned field Completeness Check – Make sure all required items are entered Validity Check – Compares ID Code/Account # with a similar data in the master file Reasonableness Test – Determines the correctness of the logical relationship between 2 data items Data Entry Bath Totals

26 Authorization Control
Keep the database as accurate and error free as possible Implemented by creating an “access control matrix” “Access Control Matrix” is a table specifying which portions of the system users are permitted to access & what actions they can perform

27 Data Back-up Procedures
Keep the data from being lost or erased Provides “fault tolerance” through a process called “restoration”. There are two types of back-ups: Incremental Backup: Saves changes since the last back-up. Differential Back-up: Saves all changes since the last back-up.

28 Additional Controls: Physical Inventory Counts – to keep Inventory accurate Firewall Protection – to protect outsiders from stealing or ruining the authentication of the data Write-Protection – protects against accidental writing over or erasing of data files stored on magnetic disks

29 Any Questions?

30 Thank you!

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