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Health Information Exchange & Public Health Robert J. Campbell, Ph.D. Center for Public Health Statistics and Informatics Ohio Department of Health March.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Information Exchange & Public Health Robert J. Campbell, Ph.D. Center for Public Health Statistics and Informatics Ohio Department of Health March."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Information Exchange & Public Health Robert J. Campbell, Ph.D. Center for Public Health Statistics and Informatics Ohio Department of Health March 16, 2012 1

2 Center for Public Health Statistics and Informatics: Vision Ohio’s health professionals and residents will have timely access to the health information they need in the desired format and context to maximally protect and promote the health of all Ohioans. 2

3 Goal of HIT Implementation Improved safety, quality and accessibility of healthcare with lower costs Improved safety, quality and accessibility of healthcare with lower costs Measurable improvements in health outcomes for the citizens of Ohio Measurable improvements in health outcomes for the citizens of Ohio 3

4 EHR & HIE Benefits to Public Health: Dramatic improvement in timeliness and quality of disease and other public health reporting and surveillance Dramatic improvement in timeliness and quality of disease and other public health reporting and surveillance Opportunities for expanded population health registries at lower costs (e.g. BMI) Opportunities for expanded population health registries at lower costs (e.g. BMI) Critically important to enhance Patient Centered Medical Homes—one of ODH’s highest priorities Critically important to enhance Patient Centered Medical Homes—one of ODH’s highest priorities 4

5 “Meaningful Use” objectives for public health: Immunization reporting Immunization reporting Electronic lab reporting Electronic lab reporting Syndromic surveillance Syndromic surveillance 5

6 Options in Ohio: Eligible Hospitals: (choose 1 of 3) Eligible Hospitals: (choose 1 of 3) –Electronic lab reporting –Immunizations –Syndromic Surveillance Eligible Providers: Eligible Providers: –Must do immunizations 6

7 “Meaningful Use” Provides Opportunities and Challenges Immunization, e-lab reporting and syndromic have been all been receiving HL7 files for many years Immunization, e-lab reporting and syndromic have been all been receiving HL7 files for many years Immunizations are highest priority—can benefit most from capturing unreported vaccinations Immunizations are highest priority—can benefit most from capturing unreported vaccinations MU provides incentives for providers to submit test files— MU provides incentives for providers to submit test files— –must process 1000s of test files –but opportunity to enroll many new providers 7

8 Public Health Transition to HIEs ODH systems currently receive disease and other health reports directly from providers ODH systems currently receive disease and other health reports directly from providers Transitioning to receiving all health information through HIEs Transitioning to receiving all health information through HIEs 8

9 More Information on ELR: Technical information for reportable conditions in Ohio and ELR: Technical information for reportable conditions in Ohio and ELR: px px Contact information: Contact information: 9

10 More Information on Immunizations: Technical info link aspx Technical info link aspx aspx aspx Contact information: Contact information: Or call us at 1-866-349-0002. Or call us at 1-866-349-0002. 10

11 More Information on Syndromic Surveillance: Technical Info link: Technical Info link: eillance_System-Technical_Specifications.pdf. eillance_System-Technical_Specifications.pdf. eillance_System-Technical_Specifications.pdf eillance_System-Technical_Specifications.pdf Contact Information: Contact Information: 11

12 Ohio MU Acceleration Project Ohio one of five leadership states selected to demonstrate feasibility and benefits of rapid EHR adoption Ohio one of five leadership states selected to demonstrate feasibility and benefits of rapid EHR adoption Ohio MU Partnership includes: Ohio MU Partnership includes: –HealthBridge –Ohio Health Information Partnership –State of Ohio –Midwest Regional HIT Training Center Coordinated by Cuyahoga Community College and also includes in Ohio: Coordinated by Cuyahoga Community College and also includes in Ohio: Cincinnati State Cincinnati State Columbus State Columbus State Sinclair Community College Sinclair Community College 12

13 Ohio MU Acceleration Project Goal of 10,000 providers in Ohio reaching Stage 1 MU by the end of 2012 !! Goal of 10,000 providers in Ohio reaching Stage 1 MU by the end of 2012 !! –9000 through Medicare –1000 through Medicaid Total 7166 Ohio providers have signed with RECS Total 7166 Ohio providers have signed with RECS 13

14 MU Payment Status in Ohio: Medicaid payments: (March 5, 2012) Medicaid payments: (March 5, 2012) –Providers: 2197 –Hospitals: 62 –Total: $90.6 million (5 th in U.S.) Medicare payments: (January 31, 2012) Medicare payments: (January 31, 2012) –Providers: 1551 –Hospitals: 20 –Total: $77.7 million (4 th in U.S.) 14

15 State of Ohio Enterprise Project Person vs. Agency-Centric Person vs. Agency-Centric Integrated and Standardized Eligibility Integrated and Standardized Eligibility Statewide Data Sharing Statewide Data Sharing Improved Decision Support and Population Analytics Improved Decision Support and Population Analytics 15

16 Thank you!! Contact information: 614.466.0295 614.466.0295 ODH Website: ODH Website: 16

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