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Carbon Atom... a limitless story DeAnna, Beth and My.

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Presentation on theme: "Carbon Atom... a limitless story DeAnna, Beth and My."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbon Atom... a limitless story DeAnna, Beth and My

2 Hook NPR It’s all About Carbon-first 2 mins Write down 2 questions and 5 words you don’t know while watching Create a parking lot for questions and unknown words

3 Graphic Carbon Cycle Split students into group of 3-4 Each table will get a blank cycle or bring it up on their ipad or laptop Give them 18 cards with the vocabulary and definitions and 10-15 mins to place in the right place Then 1 student from each group will do a gallery walk and come back to their group to finalize their graphic

4 Discussion and Data Analysis After reviewing their Graphics with the Correct answers Ask the groups to come up with 6 ways, Carbon, in gas and solid forms can be found and discuss as a class Give them the CO2 trend activity-choosing a site in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere Have them discuss is small group and as a class Compare and contrast Northern Hemisphere data with Southern Hemisphere data. What are the reasons for the fluctuation? What trends do you notice? What does that mean about CO2 production on Earth? How does that affect our oceans? Why should we care?

5 Final Assessment Students will be choose one of the following roles of Carbon in the Carbon Cycle Ocean Acidification Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration Run-off Decomposition Sinks

6 Rubric CATEGORY4321 TitleThe title is clearly identified and stated. The title is identified, but is stated in a somewhat unclear manner. The title is partially identified, and is stated in a somewhat unclear manner. The title is erroneous or irrelevant. Photo or Graphic or DiagramImages are creative and clear and concise. Images are labeled neatly and accurately. Images are included and are labeled neatly and accurately. Images are included and are labeled. Needed image are missing OR are missing important labels. DescriptionDescription describes the skills learned, the information learned and some future applications to real life situations. Description describes the information learned and a possible application to a real life situation. Description describes the information learned. No Description is written. Human ImpactDescription describes the skills learned, the information learned and some future applications to real life situations. Description describes the information learned and a possible application to a real life situation. Description describes the information learned. No Description is written. 3 Fun FactProfessional looking and accurate representation of the data in tables and/or graphs. Graphs and tables are labeled and titled. Accurate representation of the data. Graphs and tables are labeled and titled. Accurate representation of the data in written form, but no graphs or tables are presented. Data are not shown OR are inaccurate or Missing. Carbon Activity within your topic Description describes the skills learned, the information learned. Description describes some the information learned. Description lacks the information learned. No Description is written. Current or Past News EventClearly describes Current or Past News Event including data and dates. Describes Current or Past News Event. Poorly Describes Current or Past News Event. No Description is written. Background Sources/ Academic Honesty Several reputable background sources were used and cited correctly. Material is translated into student\'s own words. A few reputable background sources are used and cited correctly. Material is translated into student\'s own words. A few background sources are used and cited correctly, but some are not reputable sources. Material is translated into student\'s own words. Material is directly copied rather than put into students own words and/or background sources are cited incorrectly.

7 Teacher Resources Carbon Cycle H ere is the site from the original infographic on the Carbon Cycle Wallpopper This site is a great overview for you to understand the Carbon Cycle Woods Hole Global Carbon Cycles This is the site that is used for the Student Graph Analysis-it works great on ipads as well as laptops! site that is used for the Student Graph Ana NOAA ESRL Carbon Cycle Students can make realtime observations of Carbon Collection data near their homes and compare them to other areas around the world and the United Statesllection data near their homes and compare them This site is a full lesson plan with data for students to graph to understand the changes in atmospheric CO2 over recent decades Ocean Acidification Sites that explain what it is and background data NOAA PMEL EEuropean Project on Ocean Acidification OCEANA VisiVisit C-More and get an Ocean Acidification kit for the classroom For an extension use this EARTH For an extension use this EARTH Lesson on Ocean Acidification called Ocean Acidification: Is There a Problem. There are some great hands on activities There are some great hands on activities This is aThis is a great interactive activity with sea urchins and the effect ocean acidification has on them. It Does NOT work on ipads, but is great on laptops Pictograph This site gives the students tutorThis site gives the students tutorials on how to create their pictograph. They have choices for their product.

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