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The Behavior of Waves

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2 The Behavior of Waves's_Wave_Functions

3 The Behavior of Waves 1. Reflection a) When an object or wave hits a surface through which it cannot pass, it bounces back. m7KMac/T1FVqaCM33I/AAAAAAAABeI/FE1BUqsPU2Y/s300/reflection-laws.gif

4 The Behavior of Waves b) Examples: 1) Light – light strikes your face and is reflected into a mirror, then the light reflects off the mirror into your eyes 8EJYbBRQ5hk/TsQtqx8yxJI/AAAAAAAACdk/HeLjkqxjol8/s1600/01-mirrors-exhibit- female-photographer.jpg

5 The Behavior of Waves b) Examples: 2) Sound – an echo occurs when sound reflects off of another surface Cartoon-Man-Shouting-At-Echo-Point.jpg

6 The Behavior of Waves c) The Law of Reflection – the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection

7 The Behavior of Waves 2. Refraction a) When a wave enters a new medium at an angle, one side of the wave changes speed before the other side, causing the wave to bend. 90803/65018453.JPG

8 The Behavior of Waves b) Refraction at the water surface gives the "broken pencil" effect. Submerged objects always appear to be shallower than they are because the light from them changes angle at the surface, bending downward toward the water. A2usIgOI_58/T1Ta7tz11sI/AAAAAAAAAIc/87j1YdamCxE/s1 600/Water-Refraction.jpg

9 The Behavior of Waves 3. Diffraction a) When a wave moves around a barrier or through an opening in a barrier, it bends and spreads out.

10 The Behavior of Waves b) Another example of diffraction is when sound bends around the edge of a corner and you can hear it. Light waves have a much shorter wavelength. That is why you can hear something even when you can’t see it.

11 The Behavior of Waves 4. Interference a) When two or more waves overlap and combine to form a new wave. tuned-into-god---pt-1/

12 The Behavior of Waves b. Constructive Interference – when interference occurs and the new wave that forms is equal to the sum of the amplitudes of the original waves. (ex: the sound would get louder)

13 The Behavior of Waves c. Destructive Interference – when interference occurs and the waves subtract from each other as they interact. (ex: the sound decreases in loudness)

14 The Behavior of Waves 5. Resonance a) When an object vibrates by absorbing energy at its natural frequencies 1) Every object has its own resonant frequency – you hear this when you tap on glass for example 2) When a singer produces the exact frequency of the glass, it will vibrate. If the glass vibrates enough, it will shatter.

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