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4/2 Remember Poster is due Friday at beginning of period. It is a major grade. Today we will do TAKS review over waves Pick up note sheet at front Book.

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Presentation on theme: "4/2 Remember Poster is due Friday at beginning of period. It is a major grade. Today we will do TAKS review over waves Pick up note sheet at front Book."— Presentation transcript:

1 4/2 Remember Poster is due Friday at beginning of period. It is a major grade. Today we will do TAKS review over waves Pick up note sheet at front Book Check today-have it on your desk

2 What are the 2 types of energy?

3 Types of Energy can be classified as Potential Energy or Kinetic Energy

4 WAVES waves/wave.mov waves/ Intro to Waves Clip


6 Wave: a repeating disturbance or movement that transfers energy through space or matter. Ex light, sound, radio

7 Medium any material that a wave transfers energy through ex. Water is the medium for ocean waves What is the medium for sound when we talk?

8 MECHANICAL WAVES Type of wave that require a Medium to travel through

9 2 Types of Waves (Motion) Compressional (Longitudinal ) Transverse

10 2a. Transverse Waves Motion of Molecules Direction of Wave Particles of the medium vibrate perpendicular (up & down) to the direction the wave is moving. ex. Water waves (looks like a rope)/Light

11 Transverse Waves

12 Animations of Transverse Waves waves-intro/waves-intro.html waves-intro/waves-intro.html

13 2b. Compressional Waves particles vibrate is parallel to the direction of the wave. These waves require a medium (such as air or water) through which to travel. ex. Sound waves (looks like a spring) Direction of Movement Direction of Wave

14 Longitudinal Waves

15 These two diagrams are waves that are a combination of transverse and longitudinal. Longitudinal Waves Transverse Waves In water In a solid

16 Measuring Transverse Waves Interactive Website

17 3. Wave Properties- Definitions a.Wavelength – the distance between one point on a wave and the nearest point just like it. The greek symbol is, called lambda. b.Frequency – number of wavelengths ( ) that pass a given point each second c.Crest – the highest point of a transverse wave

18 Definitions continued…. d.Trough – the lowest point on a transverse wave e.Amplitude – the measure of the energy of the wave (height for TW) ex. Large amplitude = more energy f.Nodal Line – an imaginary line, it is the usual resting position of a wave

19 V = F  V = F  V = Velocity of the wave (m/s) F = Frequency (hertz) (hz) = wavelength (m) is the Greek symbol called “lambda ”.

20 You are sitting on a float and the wave bounces you up 6 times every two seconds. This describes what? If the frequency of a wave is 10hz and there is 5 meters between each compression, the wave speed would equal?

21 What is the relationship between frequency and wavelength if speed is constant? At a constant speed, there is an inverse relationship between frequency and wavelength :


23 4. Transverse Wave Diagrams Draw a transverse wave large enough to label 6 parts.

24 5. Parts of a compressional wave are: A.A compression is the part where the particles of matter are pushed close together. B.A rarefaction is the part where particles of matter are spread apart. C.The wavelength is one complete compression and one complete rarefaction. SI unit is in meters.

25 Parts of a Longitudinal Wave one rarefaction and one compression together. Wavelength:

26 Compressional Wave Compression…………………………..Rarefaction

27 Animation of Tuning Fork Intros/StandingWaves/Flash/tunefork.html Intros/StandingWaves/Flash/tunefork.html

28 Animations of Seismic Waves Click here to see how a seismic wave is a combination of both transverse and longitudinal waves (NOTE: Longitudinal and Compression waves are the same thing) Click here Another animation of both types of waves in seismic waves. Another animation Animations of land during earthquakes. (Half way down the page, the three animations next to each other) Animations of land

29 What are two differences between sound waves and light waves? SOUND WAVESLIGHT WAVES


31 What is the difference between the following terms? Resonance Reflection Refraction Diffraction Polarization

32 What is the difference between the following terms? Resonance-Vibrating/Singing Wine Glass Reflection-Mirror/Echo Refraction-Bending due to change in medium (Pencil in Water) Diffraction-Bending around an opening Polarization-Aligning the waves in one direction (Sunglasses/Reduces Glare)

33 Resonance Tacoma Bridge Disaster

34 Reflection

35 Refraction

36 DIFFRACTION The bending of a wave as it passes an edge or opening Ex. Ocean waves change direction and bend after striking an island Diffraction of a Monochromatic Light Source Diffraction of a Monochromatic Light Source



39 Polarizing Filter Demonstration


41 Quiz 1. What is a medium? 2. List 3 parts of a Transverse wave. 3. List 2 parts of a Compressional wave. 4. Give an example of a Transverse wave. 5. Give an example of a Compressional (Longitudinal) wave 6. Why is there no sound in space? 7. How is your image in the mirror similar to hearing an echo?

42 Answers 1. A medium is made up of the molecules that transfer energy of wave motion. 2. Amplitude, Crest and Trough. 3. Compression and Rarefaction 4. Ocean Waves or Light 5. Sound Waves 6. No matter to transfer energy 7. Both are due to wave reflection

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