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June 10, 2009 RMS PR90006, Commercial Systems Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) Hope Parrish, ERCOT.

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Presentation on theme: "June 10, 2009 RMS PR90006, Commercial Systems Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) Hope Parrish, ERCOT."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 10, 2009 RMS PR90006, Commercial Systems Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) Hope Parrish, ERCOT

2 Background on project Review of related protocol Market Impact Seek RMS Endorsement June 10, 2009RMS

3 ILM Project 90006 Background Approved Project Goals –ERCOT needs to ensure that data and information are stored in an efficient manner based on Protocols and the business process needs while making best use of storage capacity and system utilization. –To define and implement an ERCOT Enterprise Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) Strategy based on ERCOT’s current and future technological state. Project Benefits –Maintain ability to support future ERCOT and Market efforts By controlling the amount of data and storage consumed in source and archiving systems –Performance optimization By removing extra copies of data –Implement an Enterprise ILM strategy for required source systems Allows ERCOT to better maintain SLA’s –Implement an Enterprise ILM strategy for Archive Systems (ISM) Allows ERCOT to maintain compliance and enforce data retention policies –Storage optimization by releasing/reallocation of storage efficiently Significantly reduces data center cost and future project risks –Changes to business processes to align with minimum amount of data required to meet Protocols and data retention policies June 10, 2009RMS

4 ILM Project 90006 Background Project will be worked in phases by database and include an evaluation of Commercial Systems source system and archive system databases –Middleware – used for retail transaction processing Current project focus –Registration – used for ESIID and Market Participant registration and disputes –Settlements & Billing – used for data aggregation, load profiling and settlements –ISM – archive system Project will also create and modify ERCOT internal policies in support of data retention and ILM strategies June 10, 2009RMS

5 Protocol Req’ts for Transaction Reprocessing and Data Retention ERCOT will be exercising the following Protocol Requirements as part of the ILM project: –Protocol Section 15. Customer Registration 15. Customer Registration “ERCOT will reject any initiating transaction due to date reasonableness if the requested implementation date is of more than ninety (90) days in the future or two hundred seventy (270) days in the past.” –Protocol Section 17. Market Data Collection and Use 17.2.5 Data Retention “The data stored in the Data Warehouse and Data Archive shall be available online for four (4) years from ERCOT’s creation or receipt of the data. Data passed to the Data Archive will be stored by ERCOT for a total of seven (7) years.” –Nodal Protocol Section 17. Market Monitoring and Data Collection 17.2.5 Data Retention “Data stored in the Data Warehouse and Data Archive must be available online for four (4) years from ERCOT’s creation or receipt of the data. Data stored in the Data Archive must be maintained by ERCOT for a total of seven years from ERCOT’s creation or receipt of the data.” June 10, 2009RMS

6 Market Impact Currently when executing Find Transaction through TML all transaction history is returned based on the dates provided in the FROM/THROUGH selection. With PR 900006 implementation: By default, the service will return 270 days of transaction data history at the same response time rate as today or better. An indicator will be available on Find Transaction as a control to request 4 years of data The control will allow for the return of 4 years of transaction data to be available with a potential for slower response time RMSJune 10, 2009

7 RMSJune 10, 2009 Find Transaction

8 RMS Endorsement ERCOT is seeking endorsement for the following items: ERCOT will provide market participants with the ability to request FIND Transaction data for up to 4 years As a result, the Market should realize the following benefit: Maintained or improved performance in transaction processing ERCOT meets expectations set in current Protocols Information will still be available via Siebel Service Order Extract: Siebel Service Order Extract may be scheduled by CRs and TDSPs to receive the following: –Quarterly – 4 years of Service Order data –Monthly – 365 days of Service Order data –Daily – previous day’s Service Order data additions and changes –Siebel Service Order Extract User Guide may be found in the Retail Section of The DDL is posted on TML Public Data Definitions folder. June 10, 2009RMS

9 Questions? June 10, 2009RMS

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