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Ch. 18 Sec. 1 (this is just a basic outline).  The Middle East is the crossroads b/w Asia, Africa, and Europe  remarkable ethnic diversity ◦ Differences.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 18 Sec. 1 (this is just a basic outline).  The Middle East is the crossroads b/w Asia, Africa, and Europe  remarkable ethnic diversity ◦ Differences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 18 Sec. 1 (this is just a basic outline)

2  The Middle East is the crossroads b/w Asia, Africa, and Europe  remarkable ethnic diversity ◦ Differences among groups based on their language, customs, and beliefs

3  275 million ◦ dominant group  Majority are Muslims  Arabic = language  Presently live in 16 countries, including those in North Africa

4  Before Islam spread, they were mainly on Arabian Peninsula ◦ Now all over, including “Maghreb” (“The West”—Libya, Tunisia, Algeria & Morocco  Now, many Arabs are descendents of Egyptians, Phoenicians, Berbers, and others

5 Israelis  6.4 million Israelis living in Israel ◦ 82% Jewish ◦ Everyone else practices either Islam or Christianity  Trace their heritage & background to the Israelites, who settled a land called Canaan (shared by Israel & Lebanon today) ◦ MAJOR BELIEF AMONG JEWS THAT THIS LAND WAS GIVEN TO THEM BY GOD!

6  Wars, persecution, & trade made Jews settle elsewhere  religion kept link to homeland alive  1890s: Zionism (movement that would establish a Jewish state in Israel)  1948: Israel founded as Jewish state  **Zionism still exists—it now emphasizes the development of the Jewish state, Israel**

7  Arab Muslims (aka—Palestinians) were mad about a Jewish state in territory that was theirs  VERY ANGRY because the Jews had been gone for many years  Many Palestinians were forced to leave  conflict between Jews & Muslims


9  Agreements are now giving Palestinians more self-rule  Problems still exist over city of Jerusalem, presence of troops in territories, return of Palestinian refugees, & water and resource rights

10  From Anatolia Peninsula  Blend of many peoples who have lived there ◦ (C. Asian, European) ◦ Remnants of Turkish empires ◦ Main one being the Ottoman Turks (ruled Mediterranean for 600 years through the Ottoman Empire)  Most are Muslims; speak Turkish



13  66 million live in Iran (formerly Persia)  Descendants of Aryans (from southern Russia)  Speak Farsi  90% are Shi’a Muslims

14  Ethnic groups reflect centuries of migrations & invasions  Speak many languages  Most practice Islam

15 Caucasians  More than 50 ethnic groups in Caucasus area Both Armenia & Georgia used to be a part of the Soviet Union (USSR) until the dissolution of the USSR in 1991


17  Armenians: ◦ Armenia became independent with fall of Soviet Union (’91) ◦ Culture is over 15 centuries old ◦ Most are Christian ◦ 1915: 1 million were massacred, deported, or died of illness from Ottoman Turks

18  Georgians: ◦ Independence w/ fall of Soviet Union ◦ Most are Christian  Have own Orthodox Church ◦ Own language w/ unique alphabet თმა, (tma), "hair" მთა, (mta), "mountain" ცხენი, (tskheni), "horse"

19  Mostly in Central Asia (especially the “stans”) ◦ Remnants of Turkish empires ◦ Live outside of Turkey (who are Turks)  Uzbeks (from Uzbekistan)make up largest group of Turkic peoples  Kazakhs (Kazakhstan) are a minority in own country (Russians, Ukrainians, & Germans are majority) ◦ But now with migration & better living conditions. ◦ Growth because of a high birthrate and movement of non-Kazakhs out of Kazakhstan


21  Mostly Muslim  Non-Turkic group living in Central Asia  Live in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan  Language is similar to Farsi

22  Most are Muslims  Language also similar to Farsi  Live in border areas, with no established country ◦ Border areas of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria & Caucasian republics (Armenia, mainly)  Also call this region called Kurdistan ◦ Attempts of self-rule put down by Turkish and Arab rulers  Fearing an uprising, Hussein massacred Kurds in 80s


24  Water fights ◦ Causes border disputes   Shatt al Arab (Iran & Iraq)  Golan Heights: Syrian area conquered by Israel in 1967 (20,000 Israelis live here)  City fights ◦ Rapid Urbanization  no jobs, housing, etc.  Slums are forming on outskirts  Iran’s solution: decentralize the government  take businesses and jobs out of Tehran, and spread them out to other cities.

25 18.3

26  Branch of Islam (most practiced)  Belief that leadership of religion should come from the Islamic community

27  Branch of Islam  Practiced primarily in Iran, Azerbaijan, Iraq and parts of Syria & Lebanon  Believe that descendants of the prophet Muhammad should be the leaders of the Muslim community

28  Main language of people today  Spread throughout the region as Islam spread  Qur’an—the holy text—written in this language so non-Arabs had to learn the language to read it!

29  Large, mud-brick temples built by Sumerians  Shaped like pyramids

30  Built pyramids  Served as royal tombs

31  Depicting living things is discouraged  Instead, use geometric patterns and floral designs for art  Calligraphy is used for art/decoration as well

32  Oral tradition is strong in the Middle East region  Poem written by Omar Khayyam  One of the only poems that has been translated into most worldly languages

33  Population has grown rapidly in the last century ◦ Improved health care ◦ High birth rates  In most countries, 1/3 of population is under age 15  Many people have also moved to urban areas as well

34  Nomadic people living in the desert in this region  Only comprises of a small percentage of the region now—most people stay in one place and live in either cities or rural areas

35  A traditional marketplace that is usually found both in rural areas, as well as major cities  Usually VERY busy  Can range in size from a single street of stalls to an entire district (usually in larger cities)

36  Varies with countries with different standards of living  Tends to happen with oil-rich countries...why? ◦ Very prosperous  abundance of jobs!  Happening in places like the UAE, who have to depend on foreign workers from India, Sri Lanka, and the Phillippines

37  Most people attend school. Primary education is free!  Most students complete through secondary school (like high school) and some even go to universities.  18/28 countries have literacy rates above 75%  Women in the region have advanced in this area; half of new university admissions are women  In Iran: post-revolution, more people can read & write

38  Improvement in health care  higher life expectancies than before ◦ Government-owned hospitals ◦ Wealthier countries: hospital stay = free  Rural areas: doctor shortages ◦ Treatment mainly found in major urban centers  LOW LIFE EXPECTANCIES STILL DOMINATE THE REGION

39  A Muslim “crier” who calls people to prayer from the mineret, a tower of a mosque

40  Religious observance of Muslims  Aka—“Feast of Sacrifice”  Mark this by making the pilgrimage (journey) to Mecca

41  A holy month of fasting in the Muslim community  From dawn to dusk  Ordained by the Qur’an

42  Jewish observance  Most solemn holy day in Jewish religion  Seen as a time of fasting, prayer, and forgiveness

43  Interpretations of Muslim law dictate that women cannot fully participate in public activities, like sports  In more recent years: women are “testing the waters” anyway ◦ Can play spectator sports in restricted areas where viewers are only women ◦ Some countries: women must cover themselves completely in public, even while doing aerobics in the park  More involved in sports now than ever  Women’s Games (Tehran): 1993


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