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The 66 th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, June 2010 Fang Wang,Anh Lee and Timothy C. Steimle Dept. Chem. & BioChem., Arizona State University,

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Presentation on theme: "The 66 th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, June 2010 Fang Wang,Anh Lee and Timothy C. Steimle Dept. Chem. & BioChem., Arizona State University,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 66 th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, June 2010 Fang Wang,Anh Lee and Timothy C. Steimle Dept. Chem. & BioChem., Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ,USA Funded by: NSF Spectroscopy of thorium monoxide,ThO in support of Particle Physics Michael C. Heaven Dept. Chem., Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

2 Goals: a)permanent electric dipole moments a b)Franck-Condon prediction/intensity c)lifetime Outline II.Experimental setup IV.Analysis/Results III. Observation-Spectra a. Dispersed Fluorescence b. Lifetime (Decay curve) c. Stark V.Discussion I.Motivation VI.Summary a F. Wang, A. Lee, T.C.Steimle and M.C. Heaven, J.Chem. Phys, 134, 031102(2011)

3 Motivation Needed in scheme to test of elementary particle physics beyond the Standard Model via measurement of electric dipole moment of electron, d e. Chemist’s view of an electron: Point Charge Physist's view of an electron: Point Charge with distribution Dipole moment of an electron, d e Experimental limit a : |d e | < 1.6  10 -27 e  cm a B. Regan, E. Commins, C. Schmidt, D. DeMille, PRL 88, 071805 (2002) Based on thallium atom. Note dipole moment of HCl  6 D= 1.2  10 -8  How big is d e ?Standard Model d e ~10 -41 e·cm 10 -19 times smaller

4  Amplifying the electric field E int with a polar molecule Why ThO? Energy= -E int d e E int = electric field near the nucleus  Small  -doubling  The  =1 component of the 3  state is non-magnetic. Heavy polar molecular: Smaller systematic errors The metastable H 3  1 state : E int ~  2 Z 3 e/a 0 2 ~ 100 GV/cm  Polarizability factor Z: Atomic number complete polarization with very small fields

5 Experimental Setup Laser ablation source and supersonic expansion, Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) detector Well collimated molecular beam Metal target(Th foil) Pulse valve skimmer Ablation laser O 2 & Ar(carrier gas) Pulsed dye laser Single freq. tunable laser radiation Fluorescence PMT Monochromator PMT Stark plates Optical Stark spectroscopy Excitation spectra High resolution spectra Thorium foil O2O2 DF spectra

6 Observed electronic states and transitions in ThO G.Edvinsson and A. Lagerqvist(1985) E (0 + )  X 1  F(0 + )  X 1  F-H 3  613nm 545nm 760nm R-H 3  G-H 3  E&H same Th 2+ (7s6d)O 2− configuration a. a V.Goncharov, J. Han, L.A.Kaledin, and M.C.Heaven, J.C.P 122,204311(2005)

7 Pulsed Dye Laser Observation: Excitation & DF P-branch R-Branch 17145.4cm -1 DF Spectra P-branch R-Branch 18337.5cm -1 Excitation Spectra DF Spectra E (0 + ) <---X 1  (1,0) F    <---X 1  (0,0) ”” 0 1 0 ’’ Laser ”” ’’ 1 3 2 1 0

8 Lifetime measurement E (0 + ) -X 1  (  ) F (0 + ) -X 1  (  ) Laser decay Laser decay

9 High Resolution: R(0) E-X Field Free & Stark a c b E=0V/cmE=3600.7V/cm E=0V/cm E=3662.4 V/cm

10 1) Franck-Condon factor prediction Prof. LeRoy’s Suite of Program: “RKR1 v2.0” & “Level v8.0”  1,01,11,21,3 E(0 + )-X 1  + 0.1350.6020.2330.0286  0,00,10,20,3 F(0 + )-X 1  + 0.8290.1490.02110.0015 (0,0) (0,1) F 1 (0 + ) -X 1  (  ) E 1 (0 + ) -X 1  (  ) (1,0) (1,1) (1,2) (1,3) Analysis/Results

11 Fit to: Four parameters:y0, A1, x0,  1  1 is lifetime 2) Radiative lifetime measurement E (0 + ) -X 1  (  ) F (0 + ) -X 1  (  )  1 =0.2594(5)  s  1 =0.574(9)  s Analysis/Results (Conti.)  1,0 (E-X) < 1.56 D  0,0 (F-X)≈0.95 D  i is radiative lifetime for the upper level, A  is the Einstein spontaneous emission coefficients,    is the transition dipole moment(Debye),   is the transition frequency(cm -1 ).

12 Analysis of FF & Stark Spectrum of E-X (1,0)  (case(a))  S  J  > Basis function: H Rot =BJ 2 Field-Free Spectrum  T 10 =17144.98069(36) cm -1 ; B”= 0.331967(27) cm -1 ; B’= 0.321185(27) cm -1 Stark Spectrum  8  8 representation ( J=0-7)  (X 1  + ) = 2.782 (12) D  (E(  + )) = 3.534 (10) D

13 Discussion Permanent electric dipole moment Less Polarizable Theory a 1 3.9(CASSCF) Theory b 2 2.93(RCCSD(T)) a C. M. Marian, U. Wahlgren, O. Gropen, and P. Pyykko, THEOCHEM 46, 339 (1988). b A.A. Buchahenko,J. Chem. Phys. 133, 041102(2010) Th 2+ (7s6d)O 2− Th 2+ (7s 2 )O 2−

14 Summary and Future work a)Franck-Condon prediction matches the experimental intensity pretty well. b)The lifetimes for F(0 + )-X 1  + (0,0) and E(0 + )-X 1  + (1,0) bands are measured. The transition moments were estimated for both bands. c) Dipole moments were determined for both E(0 + ) and X 1  + states. The dipole moment for the H 3  1 state will be approximately that of the E(0 + ) state because the two states are derived from the same Th 2+ (7s6d)O 2− configuration. d) Different production methods need to tried to pumping ThO molecules to the metastable H 3  1 state. (e.g. Dicharge source) e) Other thorium containing molecules can also be tried: ThC,ThSi.

15 Thank you!

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