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Hear, O Isr’el’s Shepherd, hear us; Joseph like a flock you lead. You who are enthroned in glory, shine upon us in our need. [Sing to the Lord 80]

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Presentation on theme: "Hear, O Isr’el’s Shepherd, hear us; Joseph like a flock you lead. You who are enthroned in glory, shine upon us in our need. [Sing to the Lord 80]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hear, O Isr’el’s Shepherd, hear us; Joseph like a flock you lead. You who are enthroned in glory, shine upon us in our need. [Sing to the Lord 80]

2 2. Shine on Benjamin, Manasseh, and for Ephraim rouse your might! Turn us once again toward you; come and save us, give us light!

3 3. O L ORD God, the Lord Almighty, all our prayers you do not hear. How long will your anger smoulder and our enemies still jeer?

4 4. You have fed us bread of sorrow; tears in plenty we must shed. We are now before our neighbours humbled and discredited.

5 5. Look on us, O God Almighty; let us see your glory bright. Turn us once again toward you; come and save us, give us light!

6 6. Once you brought a vine from Egypt, drove out kings with mighty hand, set the vine in ground made ready; it took root and filled the land.

7 7. So its branches clothed the mountains, shading ev’ry cedar tree, spreading from the great Euphrates to the mighty western Sea.

8 8. Why did you break down its fences, so that all may pluck its fruit? Creatures of the field devour it; wild boars tear it from the root.

9 9. Turn to us, O God Almighty, look and see from heav’n above! Tend this vine your hand has planted and the son you raised in love.

10 10. See your vine cut down and withered, and its branches burned with fire; your rebuke has crushed your people, and they perish in your ire.

11 11. Let your hand be placed in blessing on the man at your right hand – on the son of man you’ve chosen, whom alone you caused to stand.

12 12. Then we will not wander from you, turning from you to our shame. Strengthen us, revive and heal us; then we’ll call upon your name.

13 13. Look on us, L ORD God Almighty; let us see your glory bright. Turn us once again toward you; come and save us, give us light! Sing to the Lord 80 Used with permission Text: Sing Psalms, © Psalmody Committee, Free Church of Scotland, 2003, alt. Tune: John Stainer, 1889

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